Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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~The Dragon Emporium~


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Oooh will you do a forest dragon? With green spirals like on my characters arms? :O

Username: K9_Diarmuid
Brief description of the dragon: Right eye is red, left eye is black with two scars running across it. Body should be kinda forest-green with several patches of black around it to represent corruption c;. OH Also green spirals running up the fore and hind legs and the wings should look pretty battered. :heart:
Name of the dragon: Hrm, undecided... Surprise me!
Anything else: It'd be awesome if it looked as if it was battle worn.


(I tried to be as un-picky as possible.)


Boop c;



Legend of Altera
Holy length of this thread batman!
Anyways, if you are still taking requests...

Username: MrMilker
Brief description of the dragon: Black and grey with purple mouth and eyes [see picture below].
(Optional: Purple Aura)
Name of the dragon: The Ender Dragon
Anything else: Don't design the dragon all blocky like in the picture. Let your creativity run wild!

le reference picture...


Lord of Altera
Hell Hound dragon with Scar horns would be my breakfast- and my world.
Username: Scardrac
Brief description of the dragon: The Hell Hound, that picture over there- With Scardrac horns- AND OF COURSE THE AMAZING WINGS
Name of the dragon: >_> <_< The Hell Hound dragon? :F
Anything else: Newp~
Guess what Scardracy?
Michcat and I have fiiiinished :D


Lord of Altera
Username: sadko12345
Brief description of the dragon: A light green dragon, with dark green spots on the tail, has large wings that cut down trees if flying.
Name of the dragon: Larpus
Anything else: banana