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Messenger Birds


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Time for another Jstar rant.

Recently I have noticed a lot of different people use a lot of different birds to send messages. To me it would make a lot more sense if we just had one form of messenger bird, a raven as they were the ones most commonly used in those times.



The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Ravens are very much GoT.
Owls are very much Harry Potter.
Pigeons... very much peasant's lunch.
Still, magical phoenixes ;)


The Kingdom Crusher
The Birdman uses quite a lot, but you can guess by his name he's an expert in Ornithology :p That's really his only talent, as well as a crude charm, business mind and very limited fencing skills :3


Settling in Altera
Why not cross breed a owl, pigeon and a Raven? every one's happy! { Oh dear god what have i done... }


The Kingdom Crusher
Dodo! Dodo's may not be alive (or are they?), and may be flightless, but they have the ability to teleport as well pick up a few tonnes. As well as break the sound barrier and phase through walls, and time travel.


Lord of Altera
An easier option could be a parrot; you could send messages without having to write them!

Don't try to point out flaws in this idea, there aren't any.