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Short word on cursing...


Lord of Altera
I know most of you are mature enough to avoid the unacceptable swear words but I've seen a few instances of newer people [ no offence ] using language that is just a tiny bit above what is allowed.

Swearing in /ch ooc:
This is pretty much a definite no, but it can depend a lot on the staff watching the chat. As a point of reference, I've been told off for saying 'Damn' before, so yeah... If you must curse, use darn, bother etc. Try to avoid raging in /ch ooc too, chances are, nobody really wants to know that you lost your Protection IV armour.

Swearing in /ch rp and /ch whisper
Now this one is an interesting subject. If you traveled back to Medieval times, people would be swearing a lot more than nowadays, some swears not even being considered as such back then. But in Altera, swears are pretty much limited to Arse, Bastard [ in context ], and Piss. With all of these, as much as you can use them, you should probably avoid over-using them. Another thing to point out, would be that the blow of a swear tends to be lightened, if a noun is placed after it, for example: Arse-Hat and Piss-Mop/Bucket/Rag. Or, to make life easier, just type it as an action, for example: *Curses under her/his breath*

Swearing in /ch house
As far as I am aware, this purely depends on who is in your house, or online at the time. For example, Arcturus will swear if we want to in /ch house with whatever swears we want, but just try to avoid it anyway, unless you are absolutely sure that everyone who will see it is okay with it.

Swearing in Private Messages [ @ ]
With this, just presume that they do not want you swearing, so do not.

Swearing in other channels [ /ch quiz etc. ]
No swearing here, also try to just keep your messages in /ch quiz to just your answers, it makes it easier on the Staff member moderating the quiz, who has to filter through tonnes of 'Oh, I nearly got that!'s and 'Curse you, fast typers!'s.

Thanks for taking the time to read, hope you took it into account.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
I think a guide for swearing is not a good idea. The staff are very clear on this no swearing at all, not piss not nothing. Sorry man, but I can't see the point of this thread.


Lord of Altera
Hey! You know I'm against swearing in my House, it's annoying when some players think that it is accepted in another chat when it is not, if a players swears in the chat I will tell the staff.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
There are so many more inventive words to use with far more entertaining meanings.
Anyone using swear words at all is just being... Unimaginative~


We demons of our solemn hour
There are so many more inventive words to use with far more entertaining meanings.
Anyone using swear words at all is just being... Unimaginative~
Oh... this truly satisfies me.. its excellent that your ambition rises to a level of this explicit demeanour!


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
A good thing about knowing more than one language, there's no need to be overly descriptive when emoting: "*Curses colorfully in Eldarin/Verba/Hogaahn/etc*"


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Ye a mop of most tattered guise, ruffian who skulks round the sea-side thinking to gain coin from peddling fish!


Lord of Altera
Honestly, in my opinion I hate to see swearing in OOC chat. Maybe minor swear words are okay, but in RP it seems that words like Bastard, and Piss SHOULD be fine. I mean, they said those words in medieval times! Thats only my opinion though.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
BLarg would find it horribly amusing if we were to be allowed to use just whatever words we wish to use in RP. Then again, BLarg is BLarg.