Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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General Life in Altera


Retired Staff
Ever been curious about the specifics of general life in Altera? Any tidbits of information you'd want made official or explained in depth? You've come to the right place! I'm writing up lore for the general things Alterans will face in daily life, from objects as exotic as Beacons (with Naelwyn's help to keep it balanced) to the common Currow, a messenger/pet bird of my own invention.

Post in this thread if there's some facet of Alteran life you'd like more information on, that doesn't fit into any racial, cultural, or already-written lore (I ain't doing metals, you can see the list of them already, and I'm not going to steal the jobs of race lorewriters). I'll get on writing it, and as soon as the lore-ification process is complete it will be published.


Carpet Monkey
daily live in port silver as everyone who is bored just types /spawn so i say at least 90% of the conflicts on the server happen there :D it is a pot for every race, culture, religion (legal and heretic ones) and allignment so that would be very interesting to get some deeper informations =) or maybe instead of informations it would be good to have reasons backing up the strange happenings in ps :D

example: How does the elven mother of 5 children that lost their father live in the docks with two earhspawn brothers as neighbours that love to run into each other or into the walls when drunk? What is our barkeep doing to relax cause i always see him giving out drinks at the mead, maybe he has a twin? Why is the tradedistrict so empty and silent and the ports so full of live?

i could go on but i guess thats the general idea :D


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Writing some bird lore currently for "Grinnlings", some fish lore for the "Sickle Trout", some bug lore for "Saddlefly".
Also some stuff on common plants and herbs such as "Tregrinn" and "Erynion".

Heh. Baron, you could write about fruit and vegetables found in the Silver Kingdoms?


Retired Staff
I can write about animals certainly, but regarding things like the apparent emptiness of PS: That's just how it is. In offline RPs PS is often quite crowded, but realistically online it'll never be truly filled and busy 24/7.

Fruits etc are definitely on the list.


Lord of Altera
You may want to read the thread explanation, Blarg. Or, if you have read it, SNAP OUTTA IT!


Lord of Altera
This is more of a question than anything, but, where's all the peasantry? I mean, medieval times had dem' nobles, sure. But not nearly as many as we have, and not -nearly- as few peasants we have. It saddens me to not see some noble toss bread at a poor peasant :/ (Sounds messed up, but it's Rp. xD)