Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Two things the BLarg has noticed.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
First being, throwing knives.

Now, I don't want to sound like a hypocrite (even though I am one) since Nwalme uses them, but people don't seem to realize their limitations. You have to stand the right way, and throw them the right way, every single time or it misses. You cannot immediately unsheathe a knife and throw it, then expect it to hit the side of a barn.

Second being, stamina.

I am yet to see one person get tired by swinging a sword. :p Those of us that have chars that aren't physically fit would undoubtedly be quite physically exhausted from swinging a sword for about half an hour. While swords aren't heavy, per say, go swing a four to ten pound metal stick around in your yard for ten minutes and claim you're not tired, especially if you're wearing armor that weighs about as much as a modern fire fighter's gear, or in my char's case, armor that weighs almost as much as he does.

Whilst BLarg is at it, parrying things. From BLarg's limited knowledge, parrying and hitting metal things with a sword hurt because the thing would jar your arm badly.... Mmkay, done.


Retired Staff
But BLarg everyone is the protagonist and hero and as such can ignore real consequences. Everyone.

On a more serious note: If you start a fight (or get into one with your consent) then you should fully realize and accept the possibility of death or permanent disability. That's just how it is, and you can't weasel out of it unharmed unless you run away.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
On a more serious note: If you start a fight (or get into one with your consent) then you should fully realize and accept the possibility of death or permanent disability. That's just how it is, and you can't weasel out of it unharmed unless you run away.


Lord of Altera
And here we are presented with the everlasting torments of roleplaying.

In my mind, you can fix it by just talking to said person or hopefully see if they realize that their character has limitations. Also, like Baron said, you want to fight? Better deal with it if you get your head lopped off somehow.


The young curmudgeon
And you cant hit blade on blade, mind you! That makes gashes in ya sword mates! And fighting takes years to train to be good at! And moves take moments to do! And balance is a key to fighting! And you cant really fight concentrated two vs. one battles! And arrows break! And Bows take time to draw! Crossbows too! And poison on weapons isn't a thing! ETC!

Its fantasy mates. Sometime you just have to roll with a little twist of reality. And while the new magic lore hasn't been truly released yet, magic does have a way of breaking RP fights anyways. I've yet to see a system that balances a fighter and a mage fighting each other.


Lord of Altera
Well, as I agree with all of this, but, getting people to RP -realistic- things, such as all of the above^ is -very- hard. One, you have to get people to understand, "Swinging sword make you very tired. it's very hard to fight when tired". I've tried getting a person to understand, that you can't be underwater for 2 minutes struggling to get free, and -not- drown. That took me about 5 minutes. and they still said their character narrowly survived.~


We demons of our solemn hour
Well, as I agree with all of this, but, getting people to RP -realistic- things, such as all of the above^ is -very- hard. One, you have to get people to understand, "Swinging sword make you very tired. it's very hard to fight when tired". I've tried getting a person to understand, that you can't be underwater for 2 minutes struggling to get free, and -not- drown. That took me about 5 minutes. and they still said their character narrowly survived.~
Ohhh... and then they just frolic about like nothing happened!
I love those guys


The young curmudgeon
... Actually, even if the thing is like water, liberally slathering enough onto it, while wasteful, would probably work.
The potency of poisons back then was not enough to kill a man in small doses. Combine that with the fact that you loose most of it with a swing of your sword, combine that with the amount delivered on a smallish cut, and you get near compete ineffectiveness. And if you manage to get someone with a big cut... well there probably loosing blood at a faster rate then the poison will get them.
In truth, weapon poisoning is a creation of the medieval fantasy setting. Since this is a fantasy server ( I think. Jury seems to still be out on that ) that's perfectly acceptable anyways. Poisons are lore team controlled on top of that ( the ones worth having anyways ).


Carpet Monkey
*coughs* aboriginal people using poisons on weapons for longer then 2000 years *coughs*
oh my, sry, i think i catched something, summerflu~

and now for real. poisions strong enough to kill humans exist everywhere on this earth since....well do you remember when that sabertooth cat ate your great great great[...]grandpa? there it already was vinatge ;)

examples for european medieval times are: belladonna, quicksilver and a few mushrooms like the death cap.

using it on a sword is unlikely, but still, if you smear belladonna on it 3 times a day and then you manage to scratch your opponent with it there is a chance that he gets ill at least.

using it on wood would be more effective tbh cause it sinks in, fragile daggers with a liquid in it are possible too. As medieval lords were able to bring some snake-poision back with them from the crusades it was possible to poison the tip of a dagger too, but thenn aror would be in the way^^

on a sidenote, most poisons smell so are easy to detect if you carefully search for it. not too long ago a hooded stranger got a bit too close to luise inside our town and after pining him down menel smelled the tips of his arrows (everything about him screamed assassin :p ). Menel did that because he is a guard since 8 years so noone realy could complain that he is so thoughtfull and as i asked ooc, there indeed was poison on them, even though for animal hunting. it was a slightly sweet odor if i remember right but the owner of those arrows refused me the right to notice it. thats ofc not how it works.

Better deal with it if you get your head lopped off somehow.
everything you do has consequences. using poison and found out before it is used will bring you into a...difficult...position ;-)


Lord of Altera
One thing I -still- have a problem with(Not so much anymore), is bows. Bows in rp are kinda like the one weapon that can become OP within' a moments notice.

Man 1: *Pulls out sword*
Man 2: *Pulls out bow, being on a roof above man 1*
Man 1: *Goes to swing at some kinda man 3*
Man 2: *Fires bow at back of head*
Man 2: ("You can't dodge cause it's a surprise attack!")
Man 1: ("Grrr...")*Dead*

Now, maybe I'm the only one who is bothered by this. but many times *cough cough* I've had people use ranged weapons to attack me, and it's not like my character has about 80 eyes watching everywhere all at once. And, going along with what Blarg said, throwing knives -can't- hit 100% of the time. Again, I've had someone(not giving out names) be able to toss a throwing knife(Keep in mind, I was far away from him, and above him), and somehow managed to hit my character's hand, as he planned originally. Now, I didn't say anything about that at the time, cause it didn't occur to me that: "Wait. How'd that work?". *Siiiighs* So, that's off mah chest~


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
People just should not fight that much... I have seen many fighting RP's while vanished and rhey are all either massively OP or just very olain and shallow.

A little cut could easily infect and kill you back in the days. You'd better make sure not to get into a fight at all... ;)

Heck, people even died from toothache or a flu back then...


Carpet Monkey
well ranged weapons on hw are as op as they were in medieval times. take 1000 atackers to storm a wall and use 100 archers to defend it and you will hold the castle for weeks. A crossbow or longbow is able to penetrate every armor we could possibly craft atm. But funny thing, i never saw someone use a shield before on hw -ever-. just use a reinforced towershield and duck behind it when openly opposing an archer well and if sneaked....then an arrow is as deadly as every other weapon weapon you don't see comming :p


Lord of Altera
well ranged weapons on hw are as op as they were in medieval times. take 1000 atackers to storm a wall and use 100 archers to defend it and you will hold the castle for weeks. A crossbow or longbow is able to penetrate every armor we could possibly craft atm. But funny thing, i never saw someone use a shield before on hw -ever-. just use a reinforced towershield and duck behind it when openly opposing an archer well and if sneaked....then an arrow is as deadly as every other weapon weapon you don't see comming :p
*Waves arm around furiously* I used to have a character that used a mace and shield(kite-shield) and I plan on giving a shield to my current character~


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Honestly, if you've got your sword out and you let someone unsling a bow from their shoulder, pull an arrow out, nock it and draw it then... you deserve to die. :p

On that note, I think bows are over-rated a touch, recurves won't go past chainmail, and if you've got a lot of it and it's well-crafted, a longbow won't go through it. Powerful crossbows pierce essentially all of our armor, but normal crossbows would probably just horribly dent it, which is arguably worse.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... On the subject of shields, Nwalme had an utterly massive, solid-steel (literally most if not all of it, steel) kite shield that he carried around- then he lost an arm.


Lord of Altera
Honestly, if you've got your sword out and you let someone unsling a bow from their shoulder, pull an arrow out, nock it and draw it then... you deserve to die. :p

On that note, I think bows are over-rated a touch, recurves won't go past chainmail, and if you've got a lot of it and it's well-crafted, a longbow won't go through it. Powerful crossbows pierce essentially all of our armor, but normal crossbows would probably just horribly dent it, which is arguably worse.
I'm not saying you -see- the archer, I simply mean when they're on a roof-top or such(Remember all dem' orphan assassins mate~). As your character can't simply, *Notices somehow even though the person is above him and behind an object, still notices.* :p


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Shouldn't of made the guy angry, tbh. If your char has such a reputation that people will climb onto a roof and shoot at you from it, you should avoid roofs.


Lord of Altera
Shouldn't of made the guy angry, tbh. If your char has such a reputation that people will climb onto a roof and shoot at you from it, you should avoid roofs.
Sadly, again, people seem to not care about that whole, "Oh, two people fighting, one is a guard, the other is a pirate...I'm going to help the pirate.*Shoots bow at guard* NAILED IT." xD