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wakerman4's Tips Of Roleplay <3



Okay! So. . .In One Day, I Logged On, And I Kept Getting "Wow, Your A Good/Funny Roleplayer, I Must Roleplay With You More."
. . .
Well, No xD
EVERYONE Is Unique In Roleplay, And Everyone Is GREAT At It! This Is The Only Server I Know That Takes Roleplay Seriously.
So! Here Are Just A Few Tips On Roleplay, Not A Guide, But More Or Less, Just Some Tips And -My- Way Of Roleplay.
If You Roleplay Differently, And See This Wrong, Then You Are Awesome.
Because Everyone Has A Unique Way Of Roleplay.

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Your Char. - Your life. YOU created your char. and you control him/she/it. Whatever you do is your choice, and however he/she/it feels is also up to you. Emotions are a big part of Roleplay, so are your own opinions. Sometimes you have to keep it to yourself, sure, but in the end, yours. And speaking out, or even just using * <-- these are a good way to let others know how yours char. is feeling. Thoughts { } <-- are excellent too. Use of thoughts are good, as long as no one meta-games and reads your thoughts ;)
Your char. is yours, of course, and I won't tell you how to play your char.
Your char. Your life. Your choice. Your story. Your adventure.

Culture And Way Of Life - Apart from one thing. Your char. was born somewhere. And wherever that is, your most likely to take the tradition of that area, unless moved when young. For example, I live in Swindon in real life. If I moved to Paris, the culture, language and EVERYTHING would be different to me. So this is the same with roleplay. For another example, Gromm finds Port Silver strange because he is from a sailor background (though he only stays for a drink). And Sevrince O'malley found Port Silver odd, yet exciting. "Full of fun" he would have said, yet it's not a place he would live.
Culture of your char. is very important. Ced's wood elves wouldn't go to a city of art and say "that looks very nice" because, they find it a waste of time. That is their culture and tradition. Can't change that, unless your a dictator, deal with it.
I must follow the Dwarven tradition (and English tradition, for that) for every RP day, Gromm must go to the Merry Mead for a pint of Black Sheep Bitter. Having ale after word is tradition. What's yours? Where is your char. from? Does he/she follow that tradition? If not, then your not a bad Roleplay. It's just something to think about.

Events - Unique events happen over Altera again and again. But in events, all above -MUST- change. Unless it's a event where roleplay is of dire importance, you cannot change the event that is happening. No via opinions and actions your char. would take. It's a rule, that the event that is happening....must be an event. The speech of Harateth happened, and the god demanded everyone to shut up. Then everyone began thinking! This blocked/spammed the Roleplay chat and I had NO idea what was going on :/
Still. If you wish to do something in an event, I suggest doing it a little quieter then your normal roleplay's, or even ask permission from the events organizer to do something that may change the event.

Weapons - Weapons don't come from no-where. To have a weapon ready, you need to carry it around with you all the time. Got a Claymore? Well, you don't keep it in your pocket, do you? Got a knife? Why? Are you some sort of assassin? No? Then why have you conveniently got a knife in your boot? If you ARE an assassin, understandable. Dwarves, by tradition, always have weapons on them. Hunters? Sure, you may have a bow with you, and a quiver of arrows. It's nice to see in Port Silver now, that people now care about weapons. Mr. Piratepineapple asked me to put my sword away. THAT was good Roleplay! I don't walk into my area and find a kid walking around with a iron sword drawn.

And if he did, I want to know where he got it from. Blacksmiths are around Altera, so use them wisely. Because one day, you will be asked "where the nether did you get that from?"
If you can say "Oh yes, a Dwarf" *clicks fingers, remembering* "Seth made it for me!" then....well done.

Food - Wow. You pulled a steak out of your pocket. Well done.
Wouldn't it be more logical to have an apple or two (OOC, a stack) in your pouch? Or, only eat meats and large cakes when you get home? That sounds fun! I go to school and pull out a banana now and again and eat it, or a sandwich, maybe a box of Gromm cookies. But I never pull out a large piece of cooked pork. . .
Of course, in Port Silver, you could cook something over the fire, if a Greyling doesn't steal it.

Armour - Speaking of Greylings, I was inspired by jakp25 saying to someone about armour. It takes AGES to put a full suit of armour on. This isn't Elder Scrolls. You can't click 'iron chestplate' and put it on. Takes a long time! Sorry if this is silly, but it does. Trust me, even I don't like it, but I've put on a number of different sets of armour on, in real life. Steel armour, chain-mail, even leather. And let me tell you~
It takes a long time, and it's not fun. But when your wearing it, you do feel quite hot. I can't imagine running in steel, let alone iron. Though I ran faster in leather then I did in chain-mail.

Setting - Where are you? Port Silver? Waters crap (pun intended), pollution, maybe some lifestock roam the streets, good place to make someone sick. Noise? The city would be, it's a city! New York isn't the best place for a person who wants to be in quiet. Want quiet? Go to Gemstone Isles, or something. . .
Smell? Oh gods, Port Silver! Get into the Merry Mead before the smell something you'll never forget. Sure, there are sewers, but where does the sewers LEAD? And, well, it IS a PORT.
See? Go on to read more.
All these things are your setting, where you are Roleplaying. These are just a few of the things you should consider while RP'ing. In the church? Well, fun. Maybe some mutters or praying are heard. On a hill? The wind should be hitting you, and the sound of the whistling wind should effect your hearing. Somewhere like Gemstone Isles? Soft calm sea, not a lot of people around, the trees waving softly.
All these things should effect your Roleplay. In what way? That's for you to decide.

Animals - Lifestocks roam the streets and county. OOC, sure, go ahead and kill 'em. But in Roleplay, if you see a Swine enter the Merry Mead, which I did a few times in a recent Roleplay with Gromm, how would you react is a pig entered your house while watching TV? For a starters, that's quite rare for a pig to enter, but your reaction should be funny. Scared of dogs? Stay away. Cats? They are their own thing, mostly, leave them to be. 'Tis what I do! But for gods sakes... Roleplay, one thing that REALLY annoys me... people killing your Roleplay pets.
WHY?! Why do you do it? A pig in the middle of no-where? Sure, kill it. But if I spent a spawn egg on making a pig, then suddenly, some dwarf comes in and kills it, I won't be a happy person. So take caution.

Around You - Look around. Refer to my setting section. What IS around you? Fighting? Well, change area. A crowd? Get out of it, you might catch a disease! Greylings swarming you? Heh~
Whatever is around you, your char. should react to. Be it a dying sheep or a burning monkey.

Humour - Funny Roleplays are the best Roleplays.

Lying - To prevent OOC hate, I suggest to say when your Roleplay char. is lying. Don't say it! Do something like "He went left *lies*"
Then people can't meta-game, can they? Unless there is something by your body language, but even then, only an O'malley would see something like that.

The Line Between OOC And RP - The divine line. Don't cross it. Sure, get to the rim of it, but don't cross it. Never.
It's called Meta-gaming. Huge swarm of Earthspawns heading towards you? How would you know, unless you see/hear/smell them? Sometimes, you can do funny things by getting to the rim of the line. For example, when the old Gromm got stabbed once, he said "'tis just a flesh wound." And recently, the new Gromm got drunk and thought of flying goats and began to sing "Come fly with me."
There is no reason why NOT to Roleplay something funny! Just don't cross the divine line by knowing everything. Such as "there will be cars in the future."

Fighting - I shall refer to Goldtalon101's post: Click Here.

Love - When your Roleplay char. loves someone, he/she/it will change their way of life. It's impossible to avoid. Happens in real life, it will happen to in roleplay. Though it's very hard for me, because I've never really loved someone (in a relationship) standards in real life (I LIVE IN SWINDON FOR GODS SAKES). So I don't know how to act. But by watching others Roleplay, I have learnt to Roleplay and love at the same time. How your char. reacts to loving someone/being loved is up to you, but one thing is impossible to avoid. And that is, he/she/it will change.

What Do YOU See - Settings and Whats Around You section is all well and dandy, but what can YOU see? If you hear someone yelling for help, sure. Hear a seagull, then avoid it's droppings. See a shadow in the corner of your eye? Now, THAT'S different! If you see something, it dictates what you do next. One thing I like to do, is if I want to sense something, I press F5 and see if there is anyone behind me. . .and 9/10 I sense a creeping jeroxia.
But it's what you see that effects you.

The Time - Roleplaying at night? Pfft-
Night is the time to sleep, the time of watching stars and kissing on a hill. Not the time to stand in the street and have a Roleplay about politics. It just...doesn't make sense!

Weather - When it rains, Gromm runs to shelter. If I am in a RP, bugger it. I run to shelter. What I see, is people Roleplaying in the rain, which is....freaky. When it rains, I HATE it, and 8/10 people in England normally put a newspaper over their heads to block the rain from hitting them. But. . .Alterain's seem to stand around and Roleplay. So my suggestion here, not my choice, it's yours, but my suggestion is to find something/somewhere to shelter yourself with.

Common Life - Nothing is Common in Altera. Remember that.

Remember What You Do - Had a Roleplay last night, got drunk and was thrown in jail? If you are not let out in RP, how the nether DID you get out?! With a spoon? If I were a guard, I'd have to grab you and arrest you in RP if I saw you out of prison.
Remember your last RP? Good! Someone might ask "How's your day been" and then you might say "I was out drinking with jeroxia".
Remember your roleplays. . .if not all of them, some. Because they are valuablememories, both in RP. . .and real life.

Planning - Wake up. What are you going to do today? Go for a walk? Buy some beef from the butcher? Raid a ruin? I like to plan my roleplay days, because once I go somewhere, I -MAY- be stopped to do some Roleplay! And THAT is fun, just some random RP! It's really nice to plan things, so I put this tip here to tell you :)

The Gods Of Altera And Worship - Not everyone may worship ALL the gods, but they are real, so I don't see why you can't worship at least one god. Gods are worshipped by anyone, good and evil. So go for it.

Races - You a Dwarf? Your supposed to hate elves. Of course, your RP choice to do so or not. But races normally depend on what the chars. opinions are. Gromm doesn't really like Greylings. . .yet he gets on well with halflings. I mean, WHO DOESN'T LIKE HALFLINGS?!

Books, Reading And Writing - Reading is a skill pretty much anyone can learn with effort. Writing, however, takes a long time to learn. Remember that.
Books? First editions are always rare, so grab them when you can. In fact, if you get any book, the age setting is that books are rare. So grab 'em.

Machines - Always remember the tech. lock.

Clothes - Sometimes, it's good to change your skin once a month or so. Let people know you don't just wear the same stinky clothes.

"Took An Arrow In The Knee" - Oh please. I've heard enough back-storys say your an old adventurer.
The only one I really have seen and believe is Camicaxe. For I heard someone say he killed someone around 8 months ago, and now, 8 months later, he is retired. THAT sounds more like it! Don't make stuff up. . .go do it! :D

Experience - Unfortunately, that's life. Gotta learn to do things from a RP. Good luck, and may the force be with you.

Speech - Depending on your race, also depends on your speech. From above, you can say that if your young and Elven, your still learning Common. Yet if your young and Dwarven, the same rules apply. Even when your a adult, you speak different. Dwarves speak heavily, while Pirates say "Arrr".

Self Made Lore - Stop eit. I learnt the hard way. You don't have to.
If you want something made that's outside the lore, go and ask permission for it from the nice and friendly lore team ;)
Read the lore carefully, and see what's allowed and what's not.

OOC Comments - It's always nice to know the person behind the mask is enjoying the RP now and again. In the middle of an RP, I would say something out of my heart, only the truth like "(nice skin!") or "(Good RP!)" or, as I've said recently to Oguk "(I am stalking you)".
If you found something wrong with the RP your having, such as the armour being put on in under a minute, you can simply go "(That's not even possible!)" and explain why. Sometimes people MAY get annoyed, but that's life, I'm sorry to say.
Still love you guys, don't kill meh!

Whining - The section above explains it's easy to complain about something, but if the person comes back and whines, then. . . .balls. Admittedly, I have walked out of an RP with jakp25, because I was whining. I was in a fowl mood, and I saw how it effected people. So please don't do it. . .I learn the hard way :3
You don't have to! :D

Drunkards - Drunk RP's are funny. Drink enough ale, and you've had it.

No One Is Slaves - One thing I do not like to see, and I'm sure everyone would hate, is someone controlling someone else. "You can't do this" such a thing. I take the quote from the Sky TV series lost very seriously.

Strangers - RP'ing for the first time with someone can sometimes end very badly. First impressions are EVERYTHING. And it's normal to feel shy or suspicious if someone randomly talks to you.

"Walking On, Walking On The Moon~"

Rumours - Not everyone would have heard rumours that spread across Altera, but listening to someone's convo may lead to fun RP! Don't want anyone to hear you? Do /ch w

Music - In RP, music is greatly loved, due to the dark times the server is set in. But this is also an OOC tip: listening to music that suits your chars. mood and attitude helps A LOT!

Money/Radiants - Depending on what job you have depends on how much you have. That is a fact about life, and a fact of Roleplay.

Places - You can't randomly go somewhere. OOC you can, but not RP. I can't simply go to somewhere because someone wants me to Roleplay with them. . .because I may not know in RP where that place is. So be careful! And those are my Roleplay tips, advice 'n stuff. -Love, Connor Ford, A.K.A, wakerman


Lord of Altera
Humour - Funny Roleplays are the best Roleplays.
Oh of course!

What Do YOU See - Settings and Whats Around You section is all well and dandy, but what can YOU see? If you hear someone yelling for help, sure. Hear a seagull, then avoid it's droppings. See a shadow in the corner of your eye? Now, THAT'S different! If you see something, it dictates what you do next. One thing I like to do, is if I want to sense something, I press F5 and see if there is anyone behind me. . .and 9/10 I sense a creeping jeroxia.
But it's what you see that effects you.
Exactly, it's much more interesting trying to find a kid's parents than kill a evil warrior.
The Time - Roleplaying at night? Pfft-
Night is the time to sleep, the time of watching stars and kissing on a hill. Not the time to stand in the street and have a Roleplay about politics. It just...doesn't make sense!
I actually think night is relative in Altera, if you want it to be night it is. But I don't believe a discussion would take 24 hours, so I imagine a Day/Night cycle to be about an hour.

"Took An Arrow In The Knee" - Oh please. I've heard enough back-storys say your an old adventurer.
The only one I really have seen and believe is Camicaxe. For I heard someone say he killed someone around 8 months ago, and now, 8 months later, he is retired. THAT sounds more like it! Don't make stuff up. . .go do it! :D
That means you got married... not the literal meaning.
Speech - Depending on your race, also depends on your speech. From above, you can say that if your young and Elven, your still learning Common. Yet if your young and Dwarven, the same rules apply. Even when your a adult, you speak different. Dwarves speak heavily, while Pirates say "Arrr".
Pira'es don' ju't say Arrr! We'll bloody murd'r yer whole famil'!
Drunkards - Drunk RP's are funny. Drink enough ale, and you've had it.
It's the best! :D I've said my best lines when my characters have been drunk.
Music - In RP, music is greatly loved, due to the dark times the server is set in. But this is also an OOC tip: listening to music that suits your chars. mood and attitude helps A LOT!
In RP I would think music would annoy a lot of people, because we don't hear it often enough.