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Characters needed


Lord of Altera
I have a few characters that I would like to be played, if your interested. If they are of interest to you just post here saying you would like to play as them, and I'll pm you a character profile so you know a little more about what your about to get into.

1. Ex-Countess Victoria Cromwell - A noble who is my characters wife. Interesting backstory with her actually.
2. Zane (Technically his last name is Cromwell) - Zane is a peasant, Quinn's twin actually. Zane is basically a ninja. He is sort of the rebellious type, and he does not like Silvercloaks. Your going to need to be experienced with rp-combat to play him. Though his backstory is on the dull side.


Legend of Altera
Jolly tip time with bow:

1. Dont ask the forums for someone to be your wife, find one
2. Dont make ninja will look like this
Ninja baby.jpg


Lord of Altera
I think what bowduim is trying to say is:

You shouldn't have to ask about people playing roles. Personally, I find it fairly silly, but that is my opinion. It is like saying you've got magical abilities of a master before practicing them. You say you have this 'ability' of a wife and child, yet you haven't RP there. I can tell you I'm a bit on the same level too. My character, Miniel, started out with a husband and siblings. It basically is the same thing you've done here, but it isn't. Instead of making a public forum thread asking for these people to play a role, I offered the idea to my friends. I offered my friends the opportunity to have a character relationship from the start. I did not make the characters for them.
Straight off the bat, the title of your thread, "Characters Needed" suggest you've already made the characters. You've taken half the fun of creating a character. You didn't have a relationship offer. You had a pre-made character demand. You've made the backstory already for the characters. I promise you, not many will jump on this offer. They can't expand their creativity. They're in a little box with their limitations to how you want it.
Now, what I'm trying not to do is label you out. I'm trying to give you decent advice on finding someone to play the role. First off, you need to ask yourself: "Am I dedicated to this character?" Nobody likes someone who offers a relationship then backs out. Are you planning to make it a long time character or no? If not, you shouldn't plan on dragging people in then dumping their RP bodies later. I've had that done to me and it sucked. Secondly, ask yourself, "Are there any friends or trusted people who are in need of something new?" It is often a lot better to have someone there you can trust to play the role correctly. When the first thing you do is make a thread with pre-made characters, you're more than likely going to pick up somebody who might possibly drop the role after a few weeks. Finally, you can resort to making a public thread. What I would suggest is that you have a title such as, "A Character Offer" or "Interested in a New Character?" You then can explain in the thread what you're interested in and then instead of explaining how the character is, you should explain how you imagine how that character would be played.
I hope I've been clear with my message, but resorting back to this...

I think what bowduim is trying to say is:
I said that... probably not bowduim... Maybe? That's my opinion mixed with his. I'm not entirely sure if he meant that. :p
I like to dance.. dance.. dance.. dance.. dance.. dance.. dance.. dance.. BANANA PEELS



Legend of Altera
Iam kind of trying to say that abbey. But it is mostly the wife part because i think you should just RP with some women and then hope one loves you. For the children part you are nearly forced to make a forum post but when you do that only do like 1 thong they have to have because it came from the parent and the rest is something they make up themselves.