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Two things the BLarg has noticed.


Carpet Monkey
Honestly, if you've got your sword out and you let someone unsling a bow from their shoulder, pull an arrow out, nock it and draw it then... you deserve to die. :p

On that note, I think bows are over-rated a touch, recurves won't go past chainmail, and if you've got a lot of it and it's well-crafted, a longbow won't go through it. Powerful crossbows pierce essentially all of our armor, but normal crossbows would probably just horribly dent it, which is arguably worse.
i don't know why longbows always are underestimated =( i love them :heart:

if i understood right what is explained there, then depending on the arrows you used you could get through every armor =)

"In a modern test, a direct hit from a steel bodkin point penetrated Damascus mail armour."


We demons of our solemn hour
This is correct but drawing and handling such a bow will take daily practice for years. .
Even characters like ced and faelin should not be able to use it unless practiced


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
Not to mention how cumbersome longbows, swords and a full coat of armour would be. Not just heavy (well, not the longbow), but just really big.
Who would carry those around all day? Not even soldiers and guards would...
Only knights on very few occasions...


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Not to mention how cumbersome longbows, swords and a full coat of armour would be. Not just heavy (well, not the longbow), but just really big.
Who would carry those around all day? Not even soldiers and guards would...
Only knights on very few occasions...
In regards to Nwalme, it's just a legitimate want to do so, so that he is more accustomed to the weight and bulkiness of having a robe that weighs about as much as he does, and another layer of chainmail under that.


The young curmudgeon
*Climbs onto roof with his clunky longbow*
*Knocks and pulls*
*Suddenly realizes his fatal error*
The amount of force to draw a traditional English longbow is much greater then any you could get while on an angled roof, and even if you did, the force of firing it is -highly- likely to off balance you and cause you to trip, and then slide down and fall to your death. Possible it couldn't happen, but something to consider none the less.

Let me be clear why I hate arguments like this. This relies on a perpetual argument of the "reality" of weapons use, in a fantasy world. Lets be honest. Most people back then didn't own a kite shield. That's a dedicated war item that most farmers don't need. In 1450's England well over 85% of the population was agrarian based, and had no need for such silly weapons. The other 15% was First and Second estate. Farmers carried there standard tools and maby a sword to fend of wildlife and -maby- a bandit or two ( Though if they came in groups or with good ranged weapons, I would assume the farmer would loose ).
But that's -not- the reality of fantasy. Face it, hardly anyone on this server is agrarian, much less a "simple worker". Joe the Farmer just isn't fun to Roleplay, and even if you did enjoy being something mundane, people get pulled into big RP's by other people. This is fantasy people. Unless the server administration actively pursues a policy of change to something diffrent then that, people need to accept a few alterations of the natural order. Again, I have yet to see anything that balances a mage and a swordsman, without "nerfing" the mage.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
It is fantasy, but it is low fantasy. Gotta have some reality.

... On that note, Altera is a society that occasionally has to drop everything, grab a sword, and fight a being that is more powerful than their gods ... At least, that's how I explain the fact that everyone carries around a weapon.


I've gave myself an Oath with my new char.

With RP fighting rates up, and nearly all being. . .somewhat over-powered, Glory Faye (my new char.) shall seek training from three trainers in combat.
I do not plan to learn everything in a week....
...but one day...
...just one day...
...I will be -GOOD- at Roleplay fighting xD

Yeah, good notes BLarg.
In fact-
How the nether do people train with bows and throwing knives anyway?!
Throwing knives are.....takes YEARS to just throw it straight! And bows? If I wanted to train with a bow, I'd go see the Rangers for some training!


Settling in Altera
I have to admit, this is very true, that's why my character -Doesn't- like to get it fights, and if he does, he's always on the defense. I'll just hide behind my shield in till they get tired, And if they don't I'll shove a slime ball full of rose thorns down their throat. *innocently smiles* {mwhehehehehheh....}