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Pitch and Tar? Do they exist in Altera? Where is it?


Lord of Altera
I have recently had Imlasdris copied over to the swamp on the new world and I was wondering.
If we burn so many things in Altera, why don't we have pitch and tar?, they were used for a myriad of uses, such as boiling people alive to keeping lanterns on, they were also used for various siege weapons at that time.

Understandable that we have Redstone Lamps but I think it would add a certain amount of realism if we used real substances.

In the Real World, Pitch and Tar are generally found in the swampy area's, hence why my new town Zima'Maloj will be starting to drill and sell Pitch (not a MC substance just merely a RP subtance).

But I wished to run it by Lore to see if it was in Altera and what could be done with it.



Settling in Altera
{ heheh... Tar arrows... } I say you have a good point, and we shall wait for it to be (hopefully) Confirmed.


Non sum qualis eram
...I don't see why we wouldn't, but I'll wait for the Legion to also chime in on this in case I am neglecting to think of something.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Gotta have pitch and tar for ships.
Though, I wouldnt start drilling for it necessarily... but yea pitch and tar exist in Altera.