Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

...And a dash of optimism?


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Greetings, my fellow forum stalkers~!
It has come to my attention that a large number of threads have been polluting my favourite haunt of the forums with a great deal of... negativity. We all know the type: generally complaining about roleplaying mistakes, subtly (or not so subtly...) suggesting a change to improve the standard of RP we see on the server. These threads are all very well and good, and many can indeed serve to generate positive ideas that can benefit RP - but too often they descend into pointless bickering that serves no purpose whatsoever. Therefore, Cherry hath decided to break said trend, and ask you - our wonderful RPers - to tell me things that you actually like about RP on the server, or something you like to see in RP. Soooo, to start you off, here are some of mine:

1. Very detailed, well thought out, yet spontaneous combat RP; so far, neither of my characters have allowed for much experience in this "field", so I always find it interesting to see how people explain their character's weapons and movements. Some very detailed combat RPers that I have seen include Rygan_Deathblade, BLargtheawesome and Michcat (particularly as Eminu, you monster).

2. People who are not worried about fully expressing their characters' emotions by fully emoting their body language, movement and facial expressions. Lots of people are very adept at this, but bettemus99, L1v1ng_Gh0st and jeroxia stick out to me; you can usually visualise their characters very clearly because of this.

3. The few who bring RP to life. The RPers who emote seemingly insignificant details that make the RP that much more immersive. Ced, Michcat and BLargtheawesome do this a lot.

4. Those who consider the spoken language of their characters to make it reflect their personality and background. Apart from the obvious things, the people I've seen do this more... subtly include abbeyvie and MRPolo13.

Right. Now it's your turn~
What do you like about Hollowworld RP?


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
What I love seeing on our server is when you see new roleplayers grow.
Amen to that. On that same topic, I also like to see players giving friendly advice to new RPers rather than just criticising them and writing them off as being bad at RP. Everyone starts somewhere, and everyone learns at different rates after all.
I just think this thread is beautiful.
You're beautiful. Shu'up.


We demons of our solemn hour
:heart:... lovely~ I've been recognised as a good expression of emotions.

I love the way roleplay can change in a split second into something completely different.
Surprises in every character even when you think to know them. .. *glares at bette*


We demons of our solemn hour
[quote"Faelin, post: 320470, member: 5517"]Faelin likes watching Oguk watch you lot die?[/quote]
Isnt Iit them lot in this sentence?


Rygan_Deathblade, BLargtheawesome and Michcat (particularly as Eminu, you monster).
Those two are way better than me at that.. :oops:

Uh.. I really, really like the amount of easily find-able RP that isn't all about killing, fighting, or any of that sometimes good stuff. Y'know, just... the little things, like preparing tea or cooking a meal, to sitting around a fire and telling stories. The general ability to sort of just.. hop into a conversation at spawn without being sort of pushed out is very lovely too... like this thread.


Lord of Altera
I think what I really enjoy about roleplaying in general would have to just be sharing the experience with one or more people. It's always fun to have an interesting RP that you were able to enjoy, and were also able to rope more people in with you to have a good time. The people who really create an extremely in depth experience always help to boost that along to make it more immersive and enjoyable.

Also, I really have fun with the casual RP. Just sitting around and talking to someone is very relaxing for me personally. Whether it be very serious talk, listening, or just telling stories, it's great.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Ooooh! I forgot when people use period greetings and acknowledgements such as "Good morrow!", "Greetings!", "Hail!", "Fair tidings!" and the like. It just adds that little bit more immersion than a "Hey!" or "Hi!".
dracoboy2 and MaelstromPuddle seem to stick in my memory for avoiding the boring old "Hello!" without fail.