Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Lord of Altera
Limadan looked back at Ireth' wearing the first ruler's robe"If my queen doesn't allow me to die, I won't, you know that Ireth."
"I know, but if she allows you, I completed my revenge."
"Yes." He finished the note, and put it on the sacrifice table, then grabbed his sword, and put the tip against his chest.
A few moments later, Ireth dragged him away, and he hasn't been seen since.

Alright, Limadan's gone, though, I kept the options here open, so if I came across guilt or regret, he can return..
Yes, Harmaa keeps existing, I have a second character up my sleeve, having the same origin as Mist and Ireth.
Actually, the bastard son of Mist, wich he never knew because of his wife dying after she gave birth..