Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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... Anyone want a child in RP?


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
So, I've got an alt finally, (Axex is a ~god~) and BLarg's not much for doing any sort of development pre-actual RP, but has never tried to be a child in RP.

I think it'd be fun. I think I'm of at least passable RP skill. Mind, I'd prefer not to be RPing as a child not an infant. Not much to be done when you're one year old.


Lord of Altera
Untrue Blarg dearest~ 1 Year olds are the best, simply because they get into a bunch of mischief~


Lord of House Hawklight
Hawklight is always looking for wards to train as Page's, Squires, and then Knights ;)