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[Plant Lore Proposal] "Tea Leaf"


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Introduction: The plant used to have a more "formal" name, but time and its nickname eroded it away.

Name: "Tea Leaf" it is most commonly called.
Appearance: A small shrub, with very thick foliage in the form of dark green leaves, its bark is generally dark brown in color.
Size: Generally no taller than one foot, "does not come up to a grown man's knee". And no wider than one and a half feet, "As wide as a fat man".
  • Medical - Not many, but its roots produce a sort of... juice which causes a mild stinging sensation in the mouth, and even more mild on skin, and if one attempts to swallow it they generally vomit almost immediately.
  • Gastronomical - Often used in cooking, because the plant's leaves do not lose their potent minty flavor easily, no matter how watered down the soup or tea may be.
Climate: Generally favors cold or mild environments, but it is not unheard of to find it warm places if it is not too arid there.
Rarity: Very common, to the point of some considering it a nuisance.

Lifetime: Twenty to thirty years, commonly. They tend to die quicker in places that are arid or hot.
Trivia: Its name is derived from a handful of peasants trying to make their tea taste better, before that it was just considered a useless bush that grew in the forests.


Non sum qualis eram
This needs to have a more formal, different name.

Tea already exists in Altera, and as such this plant is confusingly named.


Lord of Altera
I just tried to agree with Nael's post, but accidentally hit disagree... Then dislike... >.<


Lord of Altera
"Teaum Leaveus"? :p
But seriously, what about something like... Genera Thea (Jen-er-ah Tay-ah)?
Edit: That just sounds like "General Tea" in a funny accent :S