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Scalespawn - Animal lore proposal

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Introduction: The Scalespawn are a hot climate dwelling lizard discovered by the Earthspawn. Hence the name Scalespawn. They are friendly, easy to tame and make great pets. They are quick , agile and strong for their size. They make good messengers, as long as their is no water involved as they cannot swim. Ironically they can only survive in hot climates.

Name: Scalespawn.

Appearance: A friendly and "cute" seeming lizard with small spikes. They are easy too tame and rather quick making them good messengers from the Wasteland Biome too the deserts. If it feels threatened it spreads it legs, presses its body too the floor and puffs out its spikes while opening it's mouth as wide as possible. They do this too appear larger and something you shouldn't mess with.

Average Scalespawn:

Wasteland Scalespawn:

Size: On average your normal Scalespawn will grow too 2ft where as a Wasteland Scalespawn will be 3 - 3.5 ft.

Climate: Warm and hot locations. Deserts for your average Scalespawn and the wasteland biome for Wasteland Scalespawn.

Rarity: Very common. If their is heat, there is Scalespawn.

Lifetime: 10-15 years. Living too 20+ is extremely rare.


Average Scalespawn:
Your average desert Scalespawn eats a diet made mainly from vegetables and desert plants. It also eats a small amount of desert based insects.
Ratio: 3/4 Vegetation. 1/4 Insect/Meat.

Wasteland Scalespawn:
Your average wasteland Scalespawn eats a diet made mainly from ash coated insects and dead corpses, with a little bit of plants (pretty ash coated plants) on the side.
Ratio: 3/4 Insects and dead corpses of larger animals. 1/4 Vegetation.

It is best to note that if an Average Scalespawn ate ash coated food, they would die. However the wasteland Scalespawn get a lot of there nutrients from ash coated food meaning they need it. This is the reason wasteland Scalespawn can only survive in the wasteland biome... and your average Scalespawn could not survive there.

"Average" Scalespawn - Desert dwelling, most common and your standard Scalespawn. Small spikes. Yellow, orange too light green. Friendly and cute looking.

"Wasteland" Scalespawn - Only found in the Wasteland Biome. Common their but impossible to find anywhere else. These Scalespawn are Red-Brown-Grey-Black. Have larger spikes and blood red eyes. Evil and deadly looking.

Discovery: Earthspawn soldiers patrolling the Wasteland Biome originally discovered the "Wasteland" Scalespawn. They where tamed and a few smarter Earthspawn documented them. After a Earthspawn scouting boat was washed ashore the desert islands of Altera they found a more common type of Scalespawn. Their is a lot of information on them thanks too the smartest Earthspawn... (And many, many Non-Earthspawn professors who were took hostage and forced to study the lizards.)

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Edited and done, Just need some lore staff to be accept-y, or decline-y.

EDIT: Jack says you don't need approval if it is not magical.

Anyone can clarify that?


Settling in Altera
Edited and done, Just need some lore staff to be accept-y, or decline-y.

EDIT: Jack says you don't need approval if it is not magical.

Anyone can clarify that?

I cannot confirm but i think you have to run it by the lore team. I know i got a plant of mine approved without approval, i just ran it by legion.


Magus of Nothing


Non sum qualis eram
Call 'Corrupted' -> 'Wasteland' and you're solid and good to go.

Regarding 'no approval needed' stuff - Basically we'll still come look at it eventually for multiple reasons.

A) Just to check and help make things coherent and ensure they're all quality.

B) Look at who has potential to recruit to lorewriting.

C) Catch anything somewhat egregious.

Now, one thing I might do is approve an idea but ask for or make grammatical or quality edits~

We wanna have a nice looking Wiki, so basically we'll still be a-looking-over everything.

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Call 'Corrupted' -> 'Wasteland' and you're solid and good to go.

Regarding 'no approval needed' stuff - Basically we'll still come look at it eventually for multiple reasons.

A) Just to check and help make things coherent and ensure they're all quality.

B) Look at who has lorewriting approval.

Now, one thing I might do is approve an idea but ask for or make grammatical or quality edits~

We wanna have a nice looking Wiki, so basically we'll still be a-looking-over everything.
Done. Replaced all the "corrupted" with "wasteland". If I missed any, feel free to tell me or change it yourself!