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A Rant And A Bit Of Advice About RP'ing

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Not Every Char. Is The Same!!!
I thought most people would know this by watching people in real life.
A persons actions will be different from another. Their words will be odd from another's.
Every person on Hollowworld is unique with their own ways of doing things.
YES Glory Faye is mean, and she WILL not do what others do!
If you talk to her the way you talk to anyone else, of course she won't take you the same way!
You -MUST- be memorable of this, any person, in real life, or in RP, even a complete stranger, depending on who they are, what they do, what mood they are in, their illnesses, disabilities, it all dictates how they act!
Because it's different from another persons, please do not give OOC hate!
G'damn man!
Yes, this is my first rant because some people on HW just don't realise this and begin to give OOC hate like "why don't you do this" or "Your supposed to do this!"
Never. Ever.
On Hollowworld.
Tell Anyone.
What To Do.
Everyone on HW is free to do things that they wish with their chars.
But don't judge other chars. in OOC and then blame the user.
It's like bullying. Everything a bully sees the bullied do is amusing, stupid and not right.
So please to god.
Think about this.
:heart: you still.
Only way I can let anger out is by writing and hitting things.
I prefer words....


Lord of Altera
We need a "confused" button.

What exactly does this "difference" or "similarity" direct at? Personality? Actions?


Lord of Altera
Actions, because I commented on the guards a bit OOCly, I'll admit, I know being different and all that, but, no one seems to understand what's the right thing to do...even guards. When someone says they're gonna murder someone, don't just tell them: "No murdering". It doesn't do any good...and maybe your character is different, but I'd -think- someone who wanted to be in the guard would want to do the right thing...just saying...


We need a "confused" button.

What exactly does this "difference" or "similarity" direct at? Personality? Actions?


In basic Abbey, people do what they want...
Chars. have different feelings, different emotions.
If people downright refuse to see this different and thinks everyone the same. . . .
. . . .then they can stop ranting at me for being 'different' :/


Actions, because I commented on the guards a bit OOCly, I'll admit, I know being different and all that, but, no one seems to understand what's the right thing to do...even guards. When someone says they're gonna murder someone, don't just tell them: "No murdering". It doesn't do any good...and maybe your character is different, but I'd -think- someone who wanted to be in the guard would want to do the right thing...just saying...

This wasn't aimed at you as a person mate :)
I understood why you OOC ranted.
Just, you bought it back to mind that some others also. . .refused to understand.


Lord of Altera
But, I'd like to add, that I've noticed...-alot- of people now using the, "It's not my job" card. Now...that's cool and all, sure, that's not your job. But, if you see someone getting -hacked- to death, are you really going to just walk away? I mean...if someone threatens murder, you do something. even if it's to make it clear you will do something if they try it...


Lord of Altera
Some people told me, "Miniel sucks. She's too off. Who calls men fruit?" Waker, you can't stop people's opinions. I'd recommend you ignore them and keep RPing. It's your character and unless you're making huge lore infractions, it isn't anyone's business. Haters gonna hate.


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
This wasn't aimed at you as a person mate :)
I understood why you OOC ranted.
Just, you bought it back to mind that some others also. . .refused to understand.

It was clearly aimed at one person. So whoever that one person is please direct your rant to them and don't bring the drama to our forums. Thank you.


Lord of Altera
Some people told me, "Miniel sucks. She's too off. Who calls men fruit?" Waker, you can't stop people's opinions. I'd recommend you ignore them and keep RPing. It's your character and unless you're making huge lore infractions, it isn't anyone's business. Haters gonna hate.
I'd agree...but, even though -I- was one of the people, I'm glad he did something, instead of letting "Haters hate". Because, I know his feeling on it, and, I get to discuss it with him~ Yay~


It was clearly aimed at one person. So whoever that one person is please direct your rant to them and don't bring the drama to our forums. Thank you.

Would I bring something to forums if it was one person, Cherb?
I take it as a big disagree.
No, I would not.


Lord of Altera
But, I'd like to add, that I've noticed...-alot- of people now using the, "It's not my job" card. Now...that's cool and all, sure, that's not your job. But, if you see someone getting -hacked- to death, are you really going to just walk away? I mean...if someone threatens murder, you do something. even if it's to make it clear you will do something if they try it...

Wakerman is an experienced roleplayer, and we have talked these situations over alot in the silvercloak conversation. He cant simply walk up to someone and arrest them because a random stranger tells him to. He needs proof to act, and as I understood it in this case he did not have sufficient proof to do anything drastic, the fact that you say alot of the people ( obviously guards in this context ) are throwing the "not my job" card is not only insulting to that one player, but also to me. Always keep in mind that more experienced roleplayers might see something happen, but still choose ignore it because they value realistic roleplay and realise that their character cant see absouletly everything that happens.

As I said, I was not there when this happened, but I tried to explain the "guards'" stance on this ;)


Lord of Altera
Wakerman is an experienced roleplayer, and we have talked these situations over alot in the silvercloak conversation. He cant simply walk up to someone and arrest them because a random stranger tells him to. He needs proof to act, and as I understood it in this case he did not have sufficient proof to do anything drastic, the fact that you say alot of the people ( obviously guards in this context ) are throwing the "not my job" card is not only insulting to that one player, but also to me. Always keep in mind that more experienced roleplayers might see something happen, but still choose ignore it because they value realistic roleplay a realise that their character cant see absouletly everything that happens.

As I said, I was not there when this happened, but I tried to explain the "guards'" stance on this ;)
The person stated specifically, about killing someone...and no one even did anything. Now, yes, doing something like killing/arresting, things of that nature would be drastic in that situation. But, at least question(or acknowledge) something... When I was part of the Guard, I tried to stop a Bandit(Well all remember Icecloak~) I was pmed and told what I was doing wasn't a Guard thing to do...even though, I was stopping a -well- known bandit, and there was proof of what he did... Aaand I'm getting ranty in this aswell...grand...


Lord of Altera
The person stated specifically, about killing someone...and no one even did anything. Now, yes, doing something like killing/arresting, things of that nature would be drastic in that situation. But, at least question(or acknowledge) something... When I was part of the Guard, I tried to stop a Bandit(Well all remember Icecloak~) I was pmed and told what I was doing wasn't a Guard thing to do...even though, I was stopping a -well- known bandit, and there was proof of what he did... Aaand I'm getting ranty in this aswell...grand...

Of course im not denying that the bandit said he was going to kill someone, what i meant is, you cannot simply force guards to hear what you want them to hear, the guard in this scenario did not pay attention to your conversation and therefore did not hear this. Ranting on waker ooc because his character did not catch something in a conversation that he was not even a part of doesnt really make much sense..


Ranting on waker ooc because his character did not catch something in a conversation that he was not even a part of doesnt really make much sense..

It wasn't much of a rant, it was more of a point.
And his point was justified.
This thread was not aimed at poor Azur. . .


Lord of Altera
It wasn't much of a rant, it was more of a point.
And his point was justified.
This thread was not aimed at poor Azur. . .
Thank you Waker... I simply wanted to get a point across...and so far, all that people have acknowledged is that I ranted at you >_>


Loyal Servant of Altera
Azur_Deathblade If someone was hacking someone to death, and i went up and challanged them, with my luck, they would just be OP.

The past two RP battles i have had, both of them the person has been overpowered. Its really frustrating. Then im told to forget the rp and the exact same thing with the same person happens a day later. I manage to resist screaming about it in OOC, but only just. I simply message a good friend about it and discuss it with them.
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