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A Rant And A Bit Of Advice About RP'ing

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Lord of Altera
I understand that, but, OP is a different issue...not saying it's not important of course ;)


Lord of Altera
a point that is just common sense and has been said on about 100 threads before this.
Well...sometimes it's better to get things across, ain't it?

That is a very bad issue, though, when that happens, you don't -have- to ignore RP unless they say it never happened. Like, if they killed a guy, and you stepped in to stop them, and they knew they were going to die, and said you never found them, and the RP never existed. Not alright. Now, say they killed someone, and you were about to kill them, and the person that died, and the killer both didn't want that RP to happen...I suppose that's a different a way...maybe


Lord of Altera
or it just gets boring :/
Now, to point out...when you stated that the previous posts were pointless...these kinda are too, aswell as me telling you they are xD If it's boring, don't pay attention to it, if you think they're pointless, don't pay attention. ;)

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
Can I just say, and yes, I know our characters are different to us IRL BUT:

If a policeman/woman came up to you IRL and told you to stop that, would you? If it was against the law, or just plain annoying?
I had a character, about 16 years old, and he acted as if he was the king of the world, not afraid of anything, and that was a bad character.
Not all of you characters are OP, Mega-Macho epic not afraid atall people. Majority of characters would do something, not just continue. I''ve seen CHILDREN, 9 years old, not be afraid of guards, at all.
We work for the QUEEN. She holds almost all the power in Altera. To be quite honest, the only people that shouldn't be obeying the Silvercloaks are the Icecloaks, but I don'tthink they are even around anymore.
Respect and fear the guards, as you may do to Police IRL.
Don't moan at us because "you aren't doing your job right!"
No. You don't know how to do our job.
If a Silvercloak sees a murder, they will investigate. Some characters are deaf or blind. And, in all realness, if a lot is happening around that guards position, they in RP might not be able to see/hear what is going on, and if a lot of people are around talking all at once, they might not even herar it OOC.
If you see something bad happen, go up to said guard and tell them, and show them proof. Because, to be quite honest, half the things I have heard as a guard are complete and utter poobrains.
Respect the guards. Fear the guards. Don't moan OOC. If there is a problem OOC, take it up with me and Anithola. If you want to have a good moan at someone OOC, do it in your head, or tell your cat or dog, because they are very understanding and will feel your pain.
Please, for Harateth's sake, don't be 2 year olds and enjoy the bloomin server.
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