Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Altera 20,000 (Non-Canon Altera RP)


Lord of Altera
*Tel'Kilrox Natrizi'ma gazes out of his high rise apartment onto New Port Silver, the silver
towers glistening in the sunshine, he then looks down to see the forges that power the massive
city operated my a mixture of Dwarves and Reformed Earthspawn*
*He walks onto the Elevator and goes down to the Natrizi'ma Weapons. co office, he surveys and see's his uncle shouting at a employee, he then goes down to the ground level and walks out*

Set the scenes, whats happening are at war with a new race?
Are we in a age of prosprerity?


Lord of Altera
*Somewhere in the slums, Gavin follows a person, holding a cake in his hand*
*The man infront of him starts running, so Gavin chases behind him, still holding the cake, and almost bumps into Tel'kilrox, just evading him*


Lord of Altera
Oi, watch yourself, Idiot!

*he walks into the city, visiting the seedier area he glances around for a man with a breifcase* (Anyone?)


Lord of Altera
*Stands around shadily holding what appears to be a suitcase, barely paying attention to anything*


Lord of Altera
*see's the man and walks up to him*
*in a whispery voice*
Good day sir, I assume you have it?
(you should have a shard of corruption, Corrupted is VERY rare in this timeline after the defeat of Greif)


Lord of Altera
*grins, as the man is cornered in a dead end allyway*
Here's your delivery..*pulls out a gun/blaster(whatever's used in the time we speak of) out of the cake, and throws it on the floor*
*shoots the man through the head, the shot, echoes throughout the city*


Lord of Altera
I am Tel'Jishrim Arduin. Yes
The Arduins will be very happy with this.
*takes the suitcase and hands his a metal chip*
Don't spend it all at once.


Lord of Altera
*When he is out of sight for everyone, he seemingly disappears from everything, maybe to be seen later*


Lord of Altera
*Tel'Kilrox walks in and heads to the corperation labs, numerous bodies of various races are in tubs filled with Bio-gel*

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
(This is awesome, I'd say even though Grief is defeated we still move worlds and have Exodus's. Our new reason? We use up too much resources so we have too move still. I'd also say its violent and dangerous world as everyone fights for power and wealth.)

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
*Supreme Leader Oguk Pakgu the 204th looks over New Zuk'Thar from his fortress master bedroom balcony wondering what the very first Zuk'Thar was like... And more importantly what was Oguk Pakgu the first like. Oguk Pakgu the first had numerous statues and temples of him. He was worshipped as a god. Oguk Pakgu the 204th made sure of that as it brought the Earthspawn race together, they may not be very religious but they sure loved a war hero, especially a ancient king*

*Oguk walks into his master bedroom and closes the balcony door. Gold, diamond and Platinum layered the room. It had a attached kitchen, bathroom, war room and armoury plus a few other bits and bobs.*

*In his war room was a holographic map of New Zuk'Thar. New Zuk'Thar was built in a crater surrounded by mountains. It had a large outer wall of titanium, tungsten and what ever else came to hand that proved strong. The city itself contained of apartment blocks and rough areas often called "Ghettos". In the centre of the city was a metal stronghold with a large sky scraper rising from the middle of it. The metal stronghold also had armouries, barracks and apartment blocks for the soldiers too occupy. Earthspawn soldiers marched back and fourth decked out in powerful armour and weapons*

*Oguk dressed and took a F18 Handgun before taking the elevator and heading towards the city main gate. Waiting where 2 Ural 4791 model trucks full of EK-92 assault rifles. The trucks had 22 Earthspawn warriors in-between them. The main city gate opened and they headed off on the one road out of New Zuk'Thar. Their destination? Port Silver to sell their weapons*

(So if anyone wants to buy the guns, or try jump the trucks)


Lord of Altera
*walks through the gate, towards Oguk, arrogant, not caring, as always*
He's dead boss, alright blaster, and I still have some pie..Want some?

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
*He enters Port Silver gates and the truck goes along slowly... Oguk looks for potential customers or people trying to rob the truck.*