Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Is my RP character ideas okay and can i use them


Lord of Altera
Okay so i have ideas for some characters and i want to know if i can use them and if they fit in the lore and everything so these characters are like darkbloods but they have demon traits so that's why i will use the name Corrupted human theses characters are not OP they do not have the power to shoot fire ball or destroy buildings they are just corrupted

1). so this character is a solider who fought against Queen Grief then he was killed in battle and Queen Grief saw how good he was that she decide to bring him back to life as a corrupted human so when ever her or Cubey or one of her followers needs help he would come and fight for her side

2). this guy is a noble and he was about to loose everything all his money, power, and all his assets but Queen Grief told him if he became one of her followers and basically sold his sole to her he would keep everything and get more so he did and she turned him into a corrupted human

3). this one is a Solider who before going into the portal to the new world he found a necklace/ambulant on the ground which belonged to Queen Grief so he took it as a momentum of the old world and he put it on and in 3 days (minecraft wise) he became a corrupted human because the necklace had Queen Griefs spirit in it so her spirit was infused with his he did not get any of her powers but he did get he corrupted spirit so he turned into a corrupted human


Lord of Altera
Why not just make a Darkblood or Corrupted Elf?
i dont want to make a corrupted elf i want it to have its own trait of like a mix of darkblood and demon but its is kinda a darkblood and i posted this because some staff told me to ask if it fit the lore