Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Lakeside] Lake Vera


Retired Staff
Baron don't mind. Baron's cool with it.

I established Vera as a getaway place from the general violence of Altera, with only one rule. And a building guideline, but that's about it :p Besides the rule, anything goes in Vera and I take a libertarian approach to governing it. Contact me if you want land or if you'd like to know if you can build in a particular spot, but besides that do as you wish.


Lord of Altera
.. Technically my character on my alt lives in Lake Vera with Nwalme sooo... I shall think about maybe gettin' a place there with this character..


Retired Staff

The Exodus has officially started and the first town has been moved over. Lake Vera will not be moving, but there is a large, free storage room for people to use to carry across mass supplies. The storeroom will be moved across next Saturday, July 6. If you have not placed items in storage yet, you'll have to find another way to bring them over.


Retired Staff
Just bumping with a quick reminder: 3 days left, guys!

For the sake of making sure the region doesn't go ghost-towny, please post here if you're still living in Vera and will be living in New Vera.


The town looks really good, I wouldnt mind joining!
Username:hanizar (yes, my minecraft username is the same as my character name but without the capital h...)
Character Name: Hanizar
Job you want: Blacksmith (if not avaliable, I have some other skills as well)
How active are you?: I take every chance I can to be online!


Hello Baron i am looking for a home to make in Lake Vera. I want to be a farmer of animals, crops and maybe even trees. I am only very new to the game so would really appreciate some guidance into it. I wanted a small town with a few members so Lake Vera seems great. Would i be able to make a home here and join a loca house in time? looking forward to your reply. Thanks :)


Retired Staff
Welcome to Vera, Brad :D

We're currently in a transitional stage, but do not fret, for New Vera's construction will begin shortly! And yes, you are getting a house :)