Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Exodus!


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Why am i your sig...? When did this happen? Did i actually say that...? ;-;
Yes, it happened a few weeks/months back when we were exploring the new world. I'm surprised you don't remember, considering you posted on my wall saying "Darn your signature" haha.

I shall try to make a video for this! :D



Lord of Altera
Criers of the Silver Crown scream throughout the Port Silver streets. Messengers would be sent to every House and Noble who has spoken to Her Majesty.

The Exodus is Upon us!

On this day, the Order of the Blackened Skull - struck against Queen Grief at the very Castle of Doom its' self.

Struck a lasting wound.

This will not hold- Every citizen of Altera must be ready! Must stand together! Prepare for the most vicious fight to come! Prepare to keep their life, prepare to take upon an Exodus-
The last Exodus
For with this strike, Queen Leminth swears to end the terror of Queen Grief.
For upon this day, the Queen will ensure the Alteran people are no longer plagued by the Corruption.
For this fight
will be the finale.

The Silver Crown shall aid all preparations of move, and erect what structures necessary for its people.

(( OOC: Crowns moving yer towns, we're officially IC in the Exodus!

Arduin offers free storage for any and all independants who need it, keep an eye on General Discussion ))
One last cataclysmic battle that shall tear the very world asunder!


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Oh yes, don't I love setting my characters up for horrible things~

Rule #1 "Never trust the Mich"