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[Village] Thiil {Peaceful region}

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El programming zorro
Retired Staff
Disclaimer : I'm no longer Thiil owner. See with @mairinbaihn for all matters regarding the town, she's the new (wonderful) owner.


{Peaceful} – This region is peaceful, no violent RP allowed. Keep yer killin' self elsewhere!

Thiil is a small and secluded village in the heart of the very central uplands of Altera, right next to the capital, Port Silver, and close to Daggerfort as the crow flies:


Very close, but almost inaccessible at the same time: indeed, being located on one of the few plateaus of Altera, very few people venture on its steep slopes and towering cliffs!


Wanting to stay a small and peaceful village, this location totally suits the city, located in a tiny vale, at the root of the longest and most important river of the continent, on the south-east border of these highlands.

Thiil has been founded by Galim Aeltus, owner of the Alteran Postal Service (link), as a safe haven for all Messengers, Couriers, Scribes, Writers, and any people seeking knowledge, inspiration, or even just peace of the mind or of the heart!


This town is a RP heavy town, and newcomers will be accepted if they match with the following rules:
- As a safe haven for couriers, scribes or knowledge /peace seeking people, it is better if your character is not a warmonger or warrior (but the city will maybe accept the protection of rangers, if the need start to arise). Or only retired ones :)
- Thiefs, assassins, and all kind of outlaw people are firmly recommended to look for another city, as the mayor and organization between the town cannot afford to draw the wrath of the Crown (and wouldn’t want to, anyway ^^). The APS, as a service across the whole country and also working for the Crown from times to times, must and will always comply with its rules and laws. (but you can still apply and join, just make sure my char doesn’t know you’re an outlaw :D)


Regarding the buildings, they will be made as they are needed, and for RP purpose.
They must also comply with the following rules:
- Buildings are made in the respect of nature and location. No big and tall buildings will be tolerated, as it is meant to be a small & “cozy” village. Try to preserve nature and the look of the terrain.
- A basic rule would be: keep it under “common sense” for a small and medieval village building. No gigantic basements, no buildings taller than 2 floors, nothing that cannot even stand by itself and not crumble, etc… :)
- Try to stick with the building materials used by the other buildings that are already there (mainly pine logs & planks, oak planks and stonebricks).
- If you don’t feel your buildings skills to be high enough, you can ask for a house to be built for you, it’s better for everyone ! :) (especially for the town quality)



To join Thiil, post with the following form:
Character name:

RP Job your characters have:
Then contact me in-game, come roleplaying with me, and we'll see ! :D (or just come and roleplay ^^)

Upon arrival, you can reside at the Town hall / Inn for a fair price of 1000 radiants per month (limited rooms!).
You can also have your own house, by bringing the materials and build it yourself.
Or you can ask the town craftsmen to build it for you, in which case only a small fee will be asked for the building (depending on its size) if you’re using your own materials.
If you don’t have any material, they will be provided and charged at the market price.

You may choose your spot, but it will have to be validated by the Town representatives (me :D )
Choosing a spot that is outside of the current town borders will require you to pay 60% of the fee for each new plot needed to be bought to build your house (non refundable).


Town rules :
1. Try to not start RP fights in the town. The Crown guards or rangers will be summoned to investigate and make all fights cease at once.
2. Don’t grief, steal, or be mean.
3. Stay positive, and use common sense in building, talking and RPing :)

4. Keep the nice and cosy feel of the city

Fine addition to avoid the town going into ghost state :
5. After an inactivity of 1 month (if I haven't seen you in the city or in game), all your belongings will be generously donated to the town storage and your house sold to any new-comer.

Directions :
- See that wonderful road branching near the spawn inn ? Take it, it will bring you directly to Thiil ! :)

A stable port will maybe come :)

Members :

- Galim Aeltus (ptiber)
- Ulfberht Stalnor (grrew / K9)

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Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
Can I like, employ you to make all my posts for me? I'm drooling at all of yours ;_;


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Can I like, employ you to make all my posts for me? I'm drooling at all of yours ;_;

I second this motion.

Also, does the town need a smithy? c:



Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
but if one wants to settle in a quiet place and sell buckets, cauldrons and horseshoes, he can :D

Pssh, horseshoes are his thang :p.

It'll be good to make do with RP as a blacksmith that isn't just ''Make me a GIANT blade!''

Username: grrew509
Character name: Ulfberht Stålnør
Job you have / would want: Mostly a smithy, but while Ulfberht is a very intelligent man, he doesn't speak often so will do whatever he's asked. Need a RP bricklayer? A man to carry a lot of weight? He's your guy!



El programming zorro
Retired Staff
Pssh, horseshoes are his thang :p.

It'll be good to make do with RP as a blacksmith that isn't just ''Make me a GIANT blade!''

Username: grrew509
Character name: Ulfberht Stålnør
Job you have / would want: Mostly a smithy, but while Ulfberht is a very intelligent man, he doesn't speak often so will do whatever he's asked. Need a RP bricklayer? A man to carry a lot of weight? He's your guy!

Aha I didn't knew it was your alt :D
Come and Rp with me one day, so we can speak about that ^^

Can I like, employ you to make all my posts for me? I'm drooling at all of yours ;_;
Oh and you can. But for that you'll need to build a post office in any town you have and send at least 3 letter per week :D


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
I... I have no words for how awesome this house is.

Thank you :O



Username: Jibles521
Character name: Arthon
Job you have / would want: I don't mind repetitive tasks that take a lot of time such as mining or woodcutting so any job of that category I can do.


El programming zorro
Retired Staff
Username: Jibles521
Character name: Arthon
Job you have / would want: I don't mind repetitive tasks that take a lot of time such as mining or woodcutting so any job of that category I can do.
Well as I said this is a RP-heavy town, so having an idea of a RP job for your character would most definitely help for being integrated in the town ^^
Find me in-game and RP with me, we'll see if we can work out something for you :)


Lord of Altera
Username: Mintybacon
Character name: Nak'ir Tjali
RP Job your characters have: Nothing as of now, due to an RP injury. Mostly an unofficial messenger, but can work more manual labor if needed in the near future~


Username: Ezuru1
Character Name: Balendor "Bronze-back" Balstad.
RP job: Dwarven Miner and tunneler.

Looks small and peaceful. Great place to start!


Lord of Altera
Username: XDkaasXD
Character name: Dashie
RP Job your characters have: Not really a job yet, a little bit from everything. (Shes a fast learner.. atleast, if she wants to.)

Looks nice :D


Username: Jippii302
Character name: Dariah Ondine
RP Job your characters have: Doesnt have a job yet, but she is a fast learner.

The area seems perfect for my character and her friend! Small and peaceful :heart:


El programming zorro
Retired Staff
Hello you three ! Ezuru XDkaasXD Jippii302
Come find me in-game, RP with me ! we'll find a house, a job, whatever you want / need !

Oh, and I added a inactivity rule to the first post :
Fine addition to avoid the town going into ghost state :
5. After an inactivity of 1 month (if I haven't seen you in the city or in game), all your belongings will be generously donated to the town storage and your house sold to any new-comer.
Soooo... you're warned :D


El programming zorro
Retired Staff
Yay! Now there's a road leading there ! :D


Added that picture to the first post too :D


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
I've been to Thiil and it's lovely! that's why I'm asking to join :)
Username: Piratep00f
Character name: Rahm Kennys
RP Job your characters have: Scribe and Librarian
If possible I would like just a small house / room to store some RolePlay stuff in. :)


El programming zorro
Retired Staff
I've been to Thiil and it's lovely! that's why I'm asking to join :)
Username: Piratep00f
Character name: Rahm Kennys
RP Job your characters have: Scribe and Librarian
If possible I would like just a small house / room to store some RolePlay stuff in. :)
You're more than welcome :D
Come RP with me when we're both online to find you a place where you can settle :)
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