Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Starbucks Challenge


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
First person to post a Starbucks coffee with Hollowworld written on it will get 10,000 rads.


Lord of Altera
Edinburgh? I ain't going to Edinburgh for a Starbucks... Too far. It's nearly a 2h journey to get something I don't like to write "Hollowworld" on it to take a picture to take another 2h trip back home to upload it to get 10k... Hassle >:I


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
Starbucks... Meh... I make a better coffe than Starbucks. No weird stuff in my coffee. Just pitchblack and strong!

I think we even have the only Starbucks roasting plant outside the USA in The Netherlands, but I prefer Dutch coffee. ;)