Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Starbucks Challenge


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Why though...
Why spend time, money and petrol on a coffee to get 10k rads, when you could simply donate to the server and get the same~?


Lord of House Hawklight
for some people it might be as simple as a walk and a coupla buck coffee, and they can't donate via paypal for example


I would love to go but problem is im not allowed drink coffee due to allergy test

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Someone beat me but to it but after what I went through, I'll still upload this.

They refused to give me a empty cup unless I bought a £3 drink!

I waited till a man finished his, then grabbed it and ran out the store being chased by security. I went through all this too get a costa coffee cup (what was like a half price reward).

Come home and someone beat me...