Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Nwalme Fuvur


All of his secrets and weaknesses neatly being shouted out by a crier. Yes, this. Yes.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... So, it started out,

+Deaf Nakat who had to choose between either Nwalme or Tyrin.
+Half-Elf, who really had no idea what love was and didn't have that much... want to take part in it, which Nwalme learned the hard way.
+Black-furred Nakat who was quite easily intimidated and fell in love with Nwalme- not the other way around.
+Faelin. Faelin.
+Mentally handicapped Nakat which became steadily worse.
+And lastly, fairly old Elf. Cynical, an outright arse to most, finds Nwalme quite amusing which is mutual... they are remarkably similar, and surprisingly- can you believe it- not noticeably handicapped, crippled, paranoid, insane, etc. For once.