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The Unknown Letter



Its being passed around ingame.
Inactive online :I
Pretty much, my current char. (Glory) is....trying to avoid detection from the outside world while she trains.
So, erm...yeah...

Edit: If your wondering why I asked, it's because I'm switching chars. to an old one I had from a long time ago, soon. And I'd rather not come back and have people shove this in my face xD


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
I think someone's village is going to burn and be purged in holy flames soon.
No need for that; the letter would make no sense to men of Arcturus since our food-supplies are primarily based on wheat (We could grow wheat in the desert, but were unable to find animals that could give sufficient amount of meat).

Naelwyn and Michcat
Upon receiving the letter, Elazar simply laughed at it (for the above mentioned reason). Still, he worried for the rest of Altera; and sent out some of his less important Paladins to investigate other cities and see if they had experienced such problems.

They returned with grim news; the letters prophecies were true, other cities were indeed experiencing problems with their meat supplies.
Knowing the people would otherwise suffer and starve, the Grandmaster sent out cargo-ships bearing non-meat foodstuff to be given to those who could not grow their own, or were in short-supply of. His main target was the city of Port Silver, known for its large population and importance to the Crown (being the Capital and all).

Not really an investigation as such, but at least I'm helping :)


Settling in Altera
I got one o’ them there letters from someone named somethin’ like what you was sayin’. Not sure if’n I’m cursed, but it wouldn’t be the first time I been cursed. I spoke in rhyme for three years because of an insult I made about an elf singin’ about somethin’ stupid, and ma’ nose was covered in boils once when I called an old woman at the market a hag.

Oh, ‘bout that letter… I didn’t understand it, but figured it was a sign from a mad god, so I took it to the lava forge in Piddleport and using gold and lapis, wrote mad things on the note as a response. I put the magic o’ the forge into me writin’ ((ooc: gave the book 5 of my levels)). I can’t ‘member exactly what I sad, but wouldn’t make much sense ta ya anyway, since I wrote it in the tongue o’ them troll… err… earthspawn lassies I told ya about some time back. Went somethin’ like..

“Ain nub gruk dis blah agh tu mak sur iz uki wid lat tu dizpoz ov dis wil mak selv snaga tu da madnez.”

Then, while dancin’ a henking and chantin’ nonsense, I threw the book into the lava of the forge. Unless my eyes deceived me, the book landed on the surface of the lava and didn’t burn until my dance ended.
I been eatin’ meat ever since…


The Arbiter of the Gods
Well, evil is a terrible misconception... But there are two, perhaps even stronger and far more capable gods left.


Settling in Altera
OOC: My character is more than willing to confront a god of madness by giving an equally crazy response, but that isn't worship. Since I'm assuming you're not asking for such, and since the news of this curse is probably becoming the topic of conversation IC, are you expecting those who would react negatively to anyone paying homage to an "evil" being to do so? At what point would Salt's Ridge building a shrine to a god of madness become known in Riddleport and/or Port Silver?