Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Sparku Artsu

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
I never wanted to have kids with him anyway, he has to many flaws. He can't drive, he crashes any vehicle he drives, he beats up his friends then makes out with other women. You can have him~

Thanks for the compliment though~
ALSO, duuuude...... that last one only happened like three times...


Lord of Altera
If it's in real life it's ok, but remember we're married in game as well as forumwise now?

Also sorry for de-railing Sparky, but you did bring it up... I would re-rail by giving you some of my fangirl mewling but I'm too tired for that right now.

[Edit]: I guess my hubby is a player.. high-five Babe!
Another thing, there is no de-railing in my thread. Do you say "better re-rail" after going off topic while chatting with a friend? No, you don't.... Point in THERE IS NO DE-RAILING IS SPARKU ARTSU!!!!

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *runs around naked*


Lord of Altera
*Is totally confused with Sparky's language so she just likes it, hoping it's not some trash talk about her or something.*