Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Inactive Faelin of Eldor


The Arbiter of the Gods
But in seriousness:
Broken ribs = Pummeled into a stone wall
Slash across the head = Some stray claw or blade
Burns = ...Fire
Pretty amusing state of shock = Cruelty to animals.
For other things in life, try out MasterCard.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff


Lord of Altera
S'problematic to speak with many characters on a regular basis when a character blatantly does not want to. :p
Lonmar shenanigans should be fun though, eh?
Arthorius is pretty neutral towards lonmar, infact im almost sure he doesnt even have any knowledge concerning them, apart from what he read and heard.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Much needed relations update. (For all the good it'll do her... Ha.)

Also, Faelin has recently suffered various counts of mental trauma. BIG mental trauma.
This is not helping her reasoning, which in turn is not helping her ribs to heal.

She dunn' get help soon, who knows... maybe she'll puncture a lung or two~
