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[Defunct] The Silver Serpent


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)

The following information may be found in a book within the Port Silver Library:

The Silver Serpent
The Silver Serpent will be found to reach into several areas of Alteran life. Currently supporting an Asylum alongside research, learning, and military facilities - It is rumoured to be the name behind numerous great happenings within Altera, a name surprising little know details upon.

This Organization was founded by, and was first lead by Lathan Telote. Those wishing to know more of it are invited to seek us out, or inquire within the Silver Serpent headquarters - A Hospital building, dedicated to serve those in need.
The aforementioned headquarters of the Silver Serpent may be found in the Noble District of Port Silver, a known medical center and place of healing. Any wounded are urged to seek the free aid that the Silver Serpent provides.

-Tzemik Kavasn, Scribe of the Serpent

Below, will be information on the Silver Serpent Hospital (How to join, positions, how it works, etc.)

Edicts of the Silver Serpent Hospital
To promote a better, healthier world.
Alliance with the Sisterhood of Shalherana. No members of the Sisterhood, nor Priest of Shalherana are to be treated as anything less then a respected friend.
A distinct discouragement of violence. Its members are not to contribute.
Aid offered to injured persons, regardless of status.
Political Neutrality - No politics may be performed in the name of the Silver Serpent.
For all members to keep clean hands.

-Lead Physician
*Lathan Telote (Founder) - Deceased
Tzemik Kavasn (Arwstuv)
The leading doctor, primarily overseeing other Physicians, teaching, and performing the most difficult of surgeries and procedures.

Einthe Liadan (Einthe)
*Daeron Eldrin Locun (JstarGames)

Your standard medical aid within the Silver Serpent. Occasionally partakes in teaching of another, but these persons are firstly and foremostly required to offer their talent to all injured persons within the Silver Serpent. Those wishing to take upon an apprentice must notify the Lead Physician.

Philia Lockhart' (Moochick)
*Septimus Aetherson (Spearhorn)
*Lillian Floria (LilyFlorin)
*Somnastra (Somnastra)

Apprentices to the Silver Serpent. These are the students of the medical profession, who attend to the occasional menial task throughout the hospital alongside their training. Apprentices are required to meet with the Lead Physician at least once a month, to evaluate their progress.

Nwalme Furvur (BLargtheAwesome)
*Czelhk the Greyling (Alexn27/Jakp25)
*Avalyn (uncrazygirl)

Those wishing to become Apprentices. Complete menial tasks throughout the Silver Serpent.

*Ced J'sera (Caedd)
Also known as the Nurse, resident dishwasher, and most-times Guard.
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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
If you are injured, the Silver Serpent hospital offers free medical aid.
North from the Port Silver Square, there are three entrances to the building.

There is an advert at the Naught Inn for this organization.

How To Join
+Approach any current workers of the Silver Serpent and request to speak with Lathan Telote.
+Send an in-game letter expressing your wish to aid the hospital.
+Fill out this OOC form, post it on the thread. Such will be considered an IC letter.

Character Name:
Past experience with doctor work:
Do you wash your hands:
Political Affiliation:
What position do you seek?

Handy Map of the Silver Serpent Hospital (BIG THANKS TO SALLY):
Second Floor is Patients-Staff only.
Third Floor is Staff only.

SS map2.jpg
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The Court Jester
Retired Staff
I hope y'all remember the question I asked early on - the reason behind the name?


Did anyone else actually look into that?
Allow me to link a few things- I do hope you're facepalming hard right now.


Ha. Ha. Heehoohaaaaa~


The Kingdom Crusher
Just making sure; as in, I don't want Chalkan to raise a book out of nowhere in his speeches and go: "Look what Santa Claus delivered me this Christmas. The will to find a hidden book in what's basically the worst fear of an illiterate since the discovery that not all books have pictures"


The Arbiter of the Gods
I hope y'all remember the question I asked early on - the reason behind the name?


Did anyone else actually look into that?
Allow me to link a few things- I do hope you're facepalming hard right now.


Ha. Ha. Heehoohaaaaa~
I knew about the main reason all along, at least as far as the symbol and the name was concerned. That was the main point which stood for the motion, however, there are also many points to suggest otherwise. Surface hides a lot of things you know?


Retired Staff
I hope y'all remember the question I asked early on - the reason behind the name?


Did anyone else actually look into that?
Allow me to link a few things- I do hope you're facepalming hard right now.


Ha. Ha. Heehoohaaaaa~
Well yeah

It's just the symbol of medicine after all.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Well, Lathan can be shot...
Leminth can be outmatched in close combat.
Eminu's ded.
Who else was there..? >_>

But yeah, generally speaking once you get into proper combat and know how to best them, you most likely will.