Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Defunct] The Silver Serpent

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Well, Lathan can be shot...
Leminth can be outmatched in close combat.
Eminu's ded.
Who else was there..? >_>

But yeah, generally speaking once you get into proper combat and know how to best them, you most likely will.
Ah, you forget the great and powerful Tzemik! The one they speak of in hush tones! The one you'll never see coming! The one-

*takes a step forward*
*watches Tzemik run away*

.... The one that people apparently lie about for some reason....


Retired Staff
Ah, you forget the great and powerful Tzemik! The one they speak of in hush tones! The one you'll never see coming! The one-

*takes a step forward*
*watches Tzemik run away*

.... The one that people apparently lie about for some reason....
The one who will poison you in your sleep, or the one who happens to be one of the top doctors at the Port Silver hospital. Of course she wouldn't see to it that you heal improperly, noooo.

And again, cannot harm Vorar. Though that's as much due to relations as actual ability.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
The one who will poison you in your sleep, or the one who happens to be one of the top doctors at the Port Silver hospital. Of course she wouldn't see to it that you heal improperly, noooo.

And again, cannot harm Vorar. Though that's as much due to relations as actual ability.
I'm sure she could use Eminu to some effect for Vorar? And although not a prefered option if I do say so myself, but it can't be very good for all those gears if strands of nakam hair get caught in them.....


Retired Staff
I'm sure she could use Eminu to some effect for Vorar? And although not a prefered option if I do say so myself, but it can't be very good for all those gears if strands of nakam hair get caught in them.....
Eminu's dead and gone, and she wouldn't hurt Vorar either.

And there's no gears in there. Sheesh.


The Arbiter of the Gods
I have a list of people deemed dangerous and means of getting rid of them. What else do you think I do when watching chicken feet on the line for six hours straight..? :L


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
IGN: Squidziod
Character Name: Josef Mandovi
Past experience with doctor work: Head War Camp Exodus Doctor, Lifetime of work in the field as a surgeon and trauma doctor, Lifetime of work making potions
Do you wash your hands: Double yes, even wears gloves and a mask in public
Political Affiliation: Lord of House Tiarch
What position do you seek? Physician


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
+Fill out this OOC form, post it on the thread. Such will be considered an IC letter.
IGN: Squidziod
Character Name: Josef Mandovi
Past experience with doctor work: Head War Camp Exodus Doctor, Lifetime of work in the field as a surgeon and trauma doctor, Lifetime of work making potions
Do you wash your hands: Double yes, even wears gloves and a mask in public
Political Affiliation: Lord of House Tiarch
What position do you seek? Physician
A scrawled letter is sent back the way this one came, sealed with grey wax imprinted by a serpent twining about a stick.

'To the esteemed Josef Mandovi,
It is well to hear from you, and any good physician willing to aid in keeping our fellows of good health.
The Master Telote, head physician of our Silver Serpent hospital, will wish to duely meet with you in an assessment of your abilities before a position is warranted, as is policy for us.
However, with your past experience as such within the warcamp, I see you quickly climbing the ranks.
May your wisdom guide you well,
-The Silver Serpent, this letter by the way of Tzemik Kavasn '


Lord of Altera
IGN: LastGladius
Character Name: Tarron Saeradan
Past experience with doctor work: Years back, Tarron was doing medical work when he could help. He has patched up plenty of people in RP throughout his time, and provided work for the Medical Tent in the war camp during the battle with Grief. He has also worked alongside the Riddleport Library and Research Guild, providing training to at least one fellow Guild member in medical practices. Experience with burns, scars, stitching, cuts, bone breaks, fractures (And perhaps more if I've forgotten something).
Do you wash your hands: More often than usual.
Political Affiliation: Member of the Council of House Saeradan.
What position do you seek? Physician.


Lord of Altera
IGN: gamemonster55
Character Name: Arthur Cromwell
Past experience with doctor work: None
Do you wash your hands: Arthur washes himself, er... occasionally.
Political Affiliation: Landless peasant of Arturus. He used to be a squire, but abandoned it.
What position do you seek? Groundskeeper. Mainly just the guarding part.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
IGN: LastGladius
Character Name: Tarron Saeradan
Past experience with doctor work: Years back, Tarron was doing medical work when he could help. He has patched up plenty of people in RP throughout his time, and provided work for the Medical Tent in the war camp during the battle with Grief. He has also worked alongside the Riddleport Library and Research Guild, providing training to at least one fellow Guild member in medical practices. Experience with burns, scars, stitching, cuts, bone breaks, fractures (And perhaps more if I've forgotten something).
Do you wash your hands: More often than usual.
Political Affiliation: Member of the Council of House Saeradan.
What position do you seek? Physician.
IGN: gamemonster55
Character Name: Arthur Cromwell
Past experience with doctor work: None
Do you wash your hands: Arthur washes himself, er... occasionally.
Political Affiliation: Landless peasant of Arturus. He used to be a squire, but abandoned it.
What position do you seek? Groundskeeper. Mainly just the guarding part.
Your letters have been sent- Now through the amazing APS! :D


Lord of Altera
IGN: googoo01
Character Name: Lilith
Past experience with doctor work: Have done minor aid for many people. mostly mending bones/ positioning them in place, cleaning/tending to wounds, or removing foreign objects from a patients body.
Do you wash your hands: Yes unless i do not have any time to, for example if i had limited time to treat someone before whatever injured the person was coming after me.
Political Affiliation: not political at all
What position do you seek? Physician because while i will admit i am no world class doctor, i can still do a lot with my experience.
my computer is fixed so if i do get accepted i will be able to start right away
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Lord of Altera
side note: Until my computer it fixed i cannot go on minecraft... So if anyone who has a lot of computer knowledge reads this please message me so i can hopefully start healing the people of Altera :)