Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!



i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I'm back!

Since there seems to be a consensus for fair warning, requests open this wednesday, when Mich gets free for the day (Evening GMT)

Probably gonna livestream the first few, too.


Jane of all Trades
Retired Staff
Name: Maiiiiirin
Appearence/Important Details: You know what she looks like by now I'd imagine >.<
Pose: Whatever you feel like?
Props: Bow, whiskey bottle or work hammer?
Expression: Whatever you feel like?
MC Skin: mairin.png Mairin2.png
Details: For any other details needed :heart:

Put my requests as last as you need! I've gotten lovely pictures from you before, just want one of Mairin >.> Whenevers clever!


Lord of Altera
Name: Raindes
Appearence/Important Details: Relatively dark skinned. Wears a green tunic over a leather body suit... (Hrmm I never thought of it that way before...). Smiles a lot.
So.... got attacked.... lost the left eye.... Well the retina detached and she's gone googly eyed.
May or may not syart wearing an eye patch.
Pose: "Whatever you feel like?" -Mairin Barin
Props: Probably a beer.
Expression: "Whatever you feel like?" -Maaiiiiiiiriiiin
MC Skin: Will upload later, when I'm not in my phone.
Other things: Magikarp is cool!
Last edited:


is Barken
Name: Gelyk Varyn
Appearence/Important Details: Large, rough lookin' guy. Big bushy beard, red eyes, horridly scarred face. Nice and muscled, y'know how it is Mich.
Pose: Clawed gauntlets flared.
Props: Clawed Gauntlets, 's all.
Expression: Scowl, narrow eyes.
MC Skin: Arken red armor.png
Details: Standing, clawed gauntlets flared around his side. Emphasis on them scars, his face is all ropey and twisted and such from 'em. Them red eyes, too.

Thank 'ya, Mich. This is gonna be great.