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Nwalme Fuvur


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... And so, here it is. Wrote in purple ink, except for the pink bit, wrote as Nwalme would write it so it's wrote... not t'my usual standard. It is also wrote all across the walls of his bedroom, with no definite end nor beginning to it. There's more to it, but I just wanted people to get the general gist of it. A lot of the rest is outlying what his intentions were going to be, heading to Arcturus, and a few of a dying man's musings and hopes. Oh, also- language.

I write this, with the full intention to die within the space of a few hours.... Where to begin? I promise to not avoid any attempts at being over-dramatic, I am to die soon after all, in a dramatic fashion.
To Light. My drunkard son. I'm sorry that early in your life, I was so... absorbed by the notion of having my own child that I left you to figure out on your own of your actual father. I have one request of you, if you find this, and that is to scatter my ashes around my inn. If that cannot occur, so be it.

Aryus: My apologies that things got bad enough that you just up and left. If you return to find this, just know that I apologize for whatever I've ever put you through, the books in the cellar should detail a method to remove your scars. May whoever took your finger go through thrice the pain of burning alive.
Turik: Fuck you.

... To my beloved Danniella, a mistake I loved. I finally gave you that throne, didn't I? If we never met, I believe I wouldn't be writing this, I would be bedding Alyshia. If we never met, I would not think about a child that was mine- ours but never saw the light of day, that never experienced life, that never loved nor lost that only knew your womb. If we never met, I would not be writing this
... though I do so love every second of it.

Naelwyn. It might amuse you to know that Marcus Helix was quite wary of you.

Lathan, I do so apologize once again for lying to you. I'm not going to write any bullshit as I did before in attempts at repairing our relationship, but I do so hope you find someone who can make you... smile. Smirk, grin, dance until you trip and you break one of your ancient bones. Sorry.

Alyshia, a prime example as to not knowing you care so much about something, until it is broken. I do so apologize, and do regret my idiotic greed. And yet, I hope you remember this, it was my greed that broke you. Let us hope that someone more deserving brings you happiness.

... And yet to the innumerable fellows I consistently stated were my friends, and yet used, abused, or otherwise lied through my teeth towards... oops~?

And as to Gelyk, kisses and puppies and
flamboyant pink ink. You damned old sod.
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The Arbiter of the Gods
Well, I did sort of kill Nwalme twice or three times as a form of revenge, so I should be somewhat sad at his death...
