Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Defunct] The Silver Serpent


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
side note: Until my computer it fixed i cannot go on minecraft... So if anyone who has a lot of computer knowledge reads this please message me so i can hopefully start healing the people of Altera :)
I should mention, beyond this point a liberous amount of RP is required to actually join this organization. You might want to wait until your computer is fixed :)


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
It's alright, Gustav got him and Philia fixed a room for him. :p
He still needs to talk to Lathan ...
Gonna be sad if he ends up getting kicked out. (Still needs perms, don't he?)

Don't go giving rooms out unless they're a patient! He can get a room in an inn :p


The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
Don't go giving rooms out unless they're a patient! He can get a room in an inn :p
*whistles* What Lathan doesn't know won't kill 'im.~

EDIT: On a side note, the asylum staff area makes a good panic room...
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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
*whistles* What Lathan doesn't know won't kill 'im.~

EDIT: On a side note, the asylum staff area makes a good panic room...
Fair enough, just don't go destroyin' stuff pl0x

(... Moo, those are locked with lockette signs. Whats with you and opening locked doors with staff perms? :p )


The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
Fair enough, just don't go destroyin' stuff pl0x

(... Moo, those are locked with lockette signs. Whats with you and opening locked doors with staff perms? :p )
They weren't marked as such D:
Only the lab ones were.


The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
How was I supposed to know that it wasn't just lockette'd to everyone so that the doors just open instead of having lever/button input?

Lathan told Philia that she shouldn't be down there without supervision, this made me assume that she had access to it but just shouldn't go down there.

Sorry about the misunderstanding. And sorry if I'm just taking your messages the wrong way, it's really hard to tell if someone is joking sometimes when it's text.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Sorry about the misunderstanding. And sorry if I'm just taking your messages the wrong way, it's really hard to tell if someone is joking sometimes when it's text.
Oh oh oh, I'm sorry- its really alright, that was worded really badly. I'm annoyed because I planned on marking those doors (This ... happens a lot) and I was kicking myself for forgetting and potentially messin' up your RP D:


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Septimus Aetherson (Spearhorn) taken on as an Assistant, soon to be Apprenticed.
Gustav Fritz (Agnewbody1820) is now a Physician of the Silver Serpent Hospital.
Nwalme Furvur (BLargtheAwesome) is apprenticed within the Silver Serpent Hospital.


Lord of Altera
IGN: googoo01
Character Name: Lilith
Past experience with doctor work: Have done minor aid for many people. mostly mending bones/ positioning them in place, cleaning/tending to wounds, or removing foreign objects from a patients body.
Do you wash your hands: Yes unless i do not have any time to, for example if i had limited time to treat someone before whatever injured the person was coming after me.
Political Affiliation: not political at all
What position do you seek? Physician because while i will admit i am no world class doctor, i can still do a lot with my experience.
my computer is fixed so if i do get accepted i will be able to start right away