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Nakam Race Removed


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
The Nakam Race has now become Extinct.
All contact from Kavdek has ceased, as if the entire island and outside population of Nakam has ... vanished. No new Nakam will be arriving or appearing, and no new Nakam characters may be created.

The only exception to this is two existing Nakam having a biological child.

(Any applications that were submitted before the deadline and are still being reviewed are still valid)

Any characters that exist are verily the last Nakam of Altera.

Feel free to ask any questions below.

Greyling Race Removed
{Click Here}
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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)

-Is there a replacement race being created?
+Not at this time (There are no plans for such)

-Is the extinction of the Nakam well-known information, IC-ly?
+No. All that might be noticed is that, in the coming months, the ships from Kavdek have ceased and no contact has been made. This knowledge would only be available to characters working closely with port business.

Practically any conclusion can be surmised from that situation :D

-But WHY? What is the OOC reason for this?
Due to having too many races, severe inactivity from the main creator, and somewhat buggy lore- Nakam are the first race to get the axe. It was a close tie between nakam and greylings...

-Is it possible to investigate or make a ship voyage and go find out what happened?
This is definitely possible! Anyone interested in such are more then welcome to send me a convo and we can have something akin to the 'Sail to the Heavens' event :D

-What really happened IC to all the Nakam?
+Unfortunately, solid details cannot be released because spoilers.
I have a pretty solid setting behind all this. Its even investigate-able!

-Time to start hunting giant catpeople!
This is a very real thing that could happen- Other characters in Altera can indeed arrange the murder and/or death of what we OOCly know to be the last Nakam. Such would indeed lead to the absolute end of this race.
However, keep in mind- the same rules of metagaming/powergaming/no torture/so on so forth still apply in full force.

-Does this mean if the remaining Nakam die, they're not? One death is permanent with no Sisterhood revival?
Depending on a character, a Nakat is definitely eligible for Sisterhood revival. (However, newer Nakam may refuse on account of their beliefs- depending how strongly they hold to them.) All good RP!

-Why NOT greylings? Why the Nakam?
The Nakam have issue that don't affect the other core races, hence this decision- We'll definitely be looking at Greylings/Earthspawn/Caparii for their own personal reasons.
I'd say if there were races I know that will last, with absolute certainty, it would be Humans-Elves-Dwarves.

-So does this mean that Verba eventually becomes like latin where no one knows how to really speak it and what things were suppose to mean during that period?
+Depends entirely on the RP :D


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Well -

"Hey, boats stopped trading - OH MY GOD EXTINCTION"

There's the possibility of an embargo, etc etc. Who knows? :p


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Is the extinction of the Nakams well-known information, IC-ly?
No. All that might be noticed is that, in the coming months, the ships from Kavdek have ceased and no contact has been made. This knowledge would only be available to characters working closely with port business.

Practically any conclusion can be surmised from that situation :D

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Would Tzemik resurrect any other nakats in an attempt to preserve the species? Tzemik would be one of the characters in Altera most likely to know, and knows mysticism, sooo~

Masked Stranger

Legend of Altera
As always, late to the party~

Though, I'm curious on how possibly the Nakam could have gone "extinct". ("Bloody 'ell Bob, this place seen better days it seems!" "Must have been quite the plague...")

Welp, back to making my character application! Wouldn't want to disappoint my friends on the fact I've been making the application on-and-off for 4 days now! *realizes this is my first post and made itself feel awkward to complete strangers*


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
As always, late to the party~

Though, I'm curious on how possibly the Nakam could have gone "extinct". ("Bloody 'ell Bob, this place seen better days it seems!" "Must have been quite the plague...")

Welp, back to making my character application! Wouldn't want to disappoint my friends on the fact I've been making the application on-and-off for 4 days now! *realizes this is my first post and made itself feel awkward to complete strangers*
If you're talking about an application to play a Nakat, unfortunately- none will be accepted. Sorry about that!