Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Nakam Race Removed

Masked Stranger

Legend of Altera
If you're talking about an application to play a Nakat, unfortunately- none will be accepted. Sorry about that!
Oh, I know, I've been on the forums for a week, and although longing to play a Nakam (despite the confusing stuff that I would probably screw up in-game) I wouldn't qualify anyway, as I don't have the whitelist application done (procrastination, you fail me again! DX) Well, not like I can't draw them on my free time. (Don't die you rest of ya guys, or I'll have nothin' ta whole-heartily draw! Except for my criminal friends...)


Lord of Altera
I can only imagine the scope and complexity and cleverness of everything that has led to this thread-
Or maybe they all just got the flu. And died.

Masked Stranger

Legend of Altera
I can only imagine the scope and complexity and cleverness of everything that has led to this thread-
Or maybe they all just got the flu. And died.
Surely they couldn't have gotten the flu and all just died. I mean, wouldn't some develop immunities or have knowledge to treat it to an extent? I would say large scale war, but even then there would be survivors, and they aren't ones to fight unless supplies got really low... maybe some corrupt mage from another land went ahead and gave them some incurable disease? *prepares riot shield just in case angry RPers come to take me for my wonderfully stupid ideas*


Lord of Altera
Surely they couldn't have gotten the flu and all just died. I mean, wouldn't some develop immunities or have knowledge to treat it to an extent? I would say large scale war, but even then there would be survivors, and they aren't ones to fight unless supplies got really low... maybe some corrupt mage from another land went ahead and gave them some incurable disease? *prepares riot shield just in case angry RPers come to take me for my wonderfully stupid ideas*
I'm just being a goose :p I'm not actually involved in the organisation of this at all! :D


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Male Nakat: "Hey gurl, it's up to me an' you to repopulate this species. It's time to do the dirty." *Furious wiggling of eyebrows*
Female Nakat: *gagging*
