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Nakam Race Removed


.. Would be un-phased to see Greylings go. Though, as @Man5791 said, if there was to be a stable and genuine group created for the Earthspawns, I would definitely play one on my alt.


Non sum qualis eram
(Didn't one of the earthspawn leaders recently return? They should totes get on that, I'd love to give people a shot to pull the Earthspawn up.)


preferably one datz not terriblezzz at speakingz like mez iz n can actually thunk


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
I can understand removing a race because there are issues with it, but there's no reason to remove the playability of a race purely on the basis that a small amount of players use it, unless a new race will be created.

With that in mind if Earthspawn + Greylings + possibly Caparii go I think it's an awful, awful decision, regardless of how many people play them.

If they were being cleared for something new, then I think that's different.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I can understand removing a race because there are issues with it, but there's no reason to remove the playability of a race purely on the basis that a small amount of players use it, unless a new race will be created.

With that in mind if Earthspawn + Greylings + possibly Caparii go I think it's an awful, awful decision, regardless of how many people play them.

If they were being cleared for something new, then I think that's different.
Since this is only something being discussed, no actual decisions have been placed on the board yet. We're not that silly, and I hope it was outlined in my post :p


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
If I had another account, I'd play a Nakitty or Greyling. I've always wanted to play one, but never had the space. I enjoy Light too much and have too much fun with Ulf to get rid of either of them. I'm debating purchasing another account right now, actually.

I think I might get an account, play a Greyling for a while. Still debating it, mind you. And @jakp25 would have to take me under his wing to learn how to Greyling like a boss. Yes yes, this will be a thing.

EDIT: The whole
I've always wanted to play one
thing was directed at the Nakam. I've read the lore several times and it's been a long term goal for me, so I was extra sad to see them go. My only chance is to be a kiddy. @EveryNakatPlayer , get your mating oooonnnn. :p

Here's some music to set the mood.

EDIT: Oh my days, I'm cringing at this song. I only knew "Baby lock them doors and turn the lights down looow"

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Lord of Altera
If I had another account, I'd play a Nakitty or Greyling. I've always wanted to play one, but never had the space. I enjoy Light too much and have too much fun with Ulf to get rid of either of them. I'm debating purchasing another account right now, actually.

I think I might get an account, play a Greyling for a while. Still debating it, mind you. And @jakp25 would have to take me under his wing to learn how to Greyling like a boss. Yes yes, this will be a thing.

EDIT: The whole thing was directed at the Nakam. I've read the lore several times and it's been a long term goal for me, so I was extra sad to see them go. My only chance is to be a kiddy. @EveryNakatPlayer , get your mating oooonnnn. :p

Here's some music to set the mood.

EDIT: Oh my days, I'm cringing at this song. I only knew "Baby lock them doors and turn the lights down looow"

I :heart: country music so I liked it

Kouro Hiroyuki

Lord of Altera
So does this mean that Verba eventually becomes like latin where no one knows how to really speak it and what things were suppose to mean during that period?


Retired Staff
There are a few non-Nakam speakers of Verba, so I don't see it vanishing for a long time. Would definitely become effectively extinct though.