Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Nakam Race Removed


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Perhaps there could be a server wide campaign for the search of Nakam? Like, they could organize an expedition and something scary awaits them...
Why don't you organize an expedition to find out why Verbali is no longer trading? Would your character be aware of this?
Feel absolutely free to contact me with any and all investigation.


The Arbiter of the Gods
What trade would the kitties bring in in the first place would be the question. Trade of resources like food can be replaced extremely easily, and suppliers wouldn't even have to look too far.


Dead Man Walking
Oddly enough, I am currently writing a paper about Japan gaining and cutting off most of its tradeing and its effects on Japanese art in the Edo period and beyond when it was forced to open back up.

But yeah, tradeing and stuff >.>


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
What trade would the kitties bring in in the first place would be the question. Trade of resources like food can be replaced extremely easily, and suppliers wouldn't even have to look too far.
Precious ores, lapis, Verbali craftsmanwork, your general easily-replaced resources.

If fact, I doubt any characters could notice! :D


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
When they all go extinct we will notice
As Polo said, news travelled very slowly back in Medieval times. They didn't have the Internet, or even a decent postal service, back then.
Also huge events such as the extinction of an entire race, that would be the kind of news nobody would believe if they heard it from one person.
It would take years before anybody realized that "hey, that crazy guy at the inn was right!"


Lord of Altera
As someone who frequents the inn I can say no one has said anything of the sort. And frankly I've seen an increase in their numbers. I highly doubt they are extinct.



Lord of Altera

Why don't you organize an expedition to find out why Verbali is no longer trading? Would your character be aware of this?
Feel absolutely free to contact me with any and all investigation.
My character is one who travels land and as such knows some things. I am a terrible organizer of events as my timezone is different than others, and nobody quite knows me to actually participate in any of my events :(


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Even the Ex-Syrien players have accepted it >.>
Somewhat :3
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Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
What even happened to them? Last I remember, there were at least four actives Syrien, and then suddenly they just *poofed* out of here.