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Nakam Race Removed


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
What even happened to them? Last I remember, there were at least four actives Syrien, and then suddenly they just *poofed* out of here.

Unfortunately, the plans for the Syrien were leaked and the loremasters of the race somewhat-overreacted. The original plan was to grant them some blessing of Shalheranas (Among other things, the effect of which I can't describe yet :C ) and semi-preserve the characters. However, there was so much backlash the entirety of the players playing the race just dropped their characters and we were never able to work with them.

:I It was certainly NOT wanted for them to just.. drop off the face of the world, and its a shame thats how it turned out.


Non sum qualis eram
It was supposed t'work just like other "Extinct" races - No new ones but existing characters or those derived therefrom were fine, but other things happened instead.

Someone said something about a disease or something and that was it.


Dead Man Walking
Why exactly do we remove races at all? I mean, sure, there are very few players playing the race/the lore master is gone. But if the lore is already layed out, and the race is up and running on its own, even though there are very few players for it. Why close the door? What does that accomplish? What do we -hope- it will accomplish?


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Why exactly do we remove races at all? I mean, sure, there are very few players playing the race/the lore master is gone. But if the lore is already layed out, and the race is up and running on its own, even though there are very few players for it. Why close the door? What does that accomplish? What do we -hope- it will accomplish?
Keeping the race could cause lots of issues if the Loremaster has left - As well as, it does open the doors for potential new race changes! (If I ever win that bloody argument :D )


Non sum qualis eram
Why exactly do we remove races at all? I mean, sure, there are very few players playing the race/the lore master is gone. But if the lore is already layed out, and the race is up and running on its own, even though there are very few players for it. Why close the door? What does that accomplish? What do we -hope- it will accomplish?
Two/Three races I've pushed for removing from play I was more pushing lore reasons + inactivity.

The Syrien were stated as being xenophobic and unwilling to work with others - it did not strike me as plausible to convince them as a collective whole to give up their home in the sea and walk cross land into the portal to the new world.

The Greyling's population dipped so low, combined with sans-Grief lacking ability to make new Greylings = Dead Race.


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
Doesn't change the fact they were the first race to get removed, and not, as stated in the original post the Nakam
Unfortunately, the plans for the Syrien were leaked and the loremasters of the race somewhat-overreacted. The original plan was to grant them some blessing of Shalheranas (Among other things, the effect of which I can't describe yet :C ) and semi-preserve the characters. However, there was so much backlash the entirety of the players playing the race just dropped their characters and we were never able to work with them.

:I It was certainly NOT wanted for them to just.. drop off the face of the world, and its a shame thats how it turned out.
As has been explained already they were not "removed"


Roleplay keeper
They kinda were.. What I know is, that we were told, that Syrien would not continue as a race. NOT that no new Syriens could be made. That's not it :I
And I had already planned a way to get my character over to the new world. ^-^;


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Doesn't change the fact they were the first race to get removed, and not, as stated in the original post the Nakam
They weren't "removed", the players simply stopped playing as them, as has been explained.
Also the removals are in reference to RECENT discussion. If you want to pedantic about it, then technically the Demons, the Half-Dragons, the Orphan-Assassin race and dozens of other user-created races were removed before the Syrien.


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
... I was told I had to to kill my character because of this by someone o.o


Non sum qualis eram
Vyres, Werewolves, Treants, Pheonixes, Vyrewolves, Several kinds of demon, pumpkin people, and mushroom people are also on my list of "Things from the great long ago"

We have written and/or received a total of.... *Counting* 9 or so possible races being considered to be introduced.

They range from super-low fantasy to extremely high. We're looking into how we expect people to react to them, whether they become gimmicky and only minimally played or expected to be long term interesting.

The main thing with side races is that they really do need strong leadership to thrive, and there's a limit to how much of that goes around. I'm really happy to see people step up for the dwarves and the earthspawn because that's really what they need - a charismatic person to, if not lead the race, draw people into playing it, like Mich really accomplished with the Nakam.

As such if we were to introduce some of these races we are first checking two things,
1) Will they be liked enough to be played? - Which is the most important question
2) Will they be played right? Would the race need some kind of application process? Would it fit the community? - Which are collectively second.

Some have 1 but not 2. Some have 2 but probably not 1. My best feedback on the ones I've written were from Legion and basically amounted to: "This is really interesting, original, and rather intruiging, but it also probably won't work too well in the "Being played right" category."

We've got more than enough potential races to work with. In truth I think my next priority after pending events complete would be probably introducing our potential races one-at-a-time in roleplay first and if the community interacts with them enough and is interested in them, etc, and successfully opens relations then said race could become playable.


Non sum qualis eram
... I was told I had to to kill my character because of this by someone o.o
Tis really weird because everybody that's been an active longtime player (IE, not left and expected to get the same character back on return) I'm usually fine coming and talking with me about the rules for legacy characters - ie - been played since before things were turned off and we find ways to make the existing character still work so long as nobody complains about legitimate problems.