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Putting an end to excessive violence


Scardrac never had a permanent.. Mental disabilities, insanity, or sadism. It was all his fault and he had nothing to blame it on, as he was raised that way. But that didn't mean he found killing a part of his life. It didn't mean he went and did it willy-nilly whenever he wanted without consequence. He always hated causing pain. He did have anger issues, but that didn't give his right to kill. What it did give was the heat of the moment. Sure, he didn't feel remorse seconds after a kill, but when everything caught up to him? When he was put into prison and had his arms near unworkable? That is when he felt remorse and sadness.

Gonna quote @SallyPirate :
You don't need to be a demon to be a monster.
Now this has its own twist to it. What is a story without bad guys? Isn't that all we are doing? Writing a story? The crafty and fair-played, genuine antagonist/anti-hero type characters are what gives the roleplay campaigns and endeavors flavor and conflict. The protagonists are important too.

But back to what I was saying. You don't need to be a demon to be a monster. Hell, demons -can- be monsters, but.. The worst monsters are those built to be monsters, not faulted to be. You don't need some disability that makes you more violent, you don't need to be raised by cannibals and taught pain is a daily routine. You don't need to have a split personality. You need to define the character as is. The bad-guys are fun to roleplay with, but now more than ever you need to role-play them right. Hopefully this new reform against violent roleplay will help put some guidelines down for people.


Lord of Altera
Scardrac never had a permanent.. Mental disabilities, insanity, or sadism. It was all his fault and he had nothing to blame it on, as he was raised that way. But that didn't mean he found killing a part of his life. It didn't mean he went and did it willy-nilly whenever he wanted without consequence. He always hated causing pain. He did have anger issues, but that didn't give his right to kill. What it did give was the heat of the moment. Sure, he didn't feel remorse seconds after a kill, but when everything caught up to him? When he was put into prison and had his arms near unworkable? That is when he felt remorse and sadness.

Gonna quote @SallyPirate :
You don't need to be a demon to be a monster.
Now this has its own twist to it. What is a story without bad guys? Isn't that all we are doing? Writing a story? The crafty and fair-played, genuine antagonist/anti-hero type characters are what gives the roleplay campaigns and endeavors flavor and conflict. The protagonists are important too.

But back to what I was saying. You don't need to be a demon to be a monster. Hell, demons -can- be monsters, but.. The worst monsters are those built to be monsters, not faulted to be. You don't need some disability that makes you more violent, you don't need to be raised by cannibals and taught pain is a daily routine. You don't need to have a split personality. You need to define the character as is. The bad-guys are fun to roleplay with, but now more than ever you need to role-play them right. Hopefully this new reform against violent roleplay will help put some guidelines down for people.
^this made my day


Lord of Altera
I've got a question:

"What if someone turns to be someone who complete hates a specific group? Let's say Person M. Normal hates the Moor Elves with that burning passion Stalin had for some, or that Hitler had for Jewish people, or the Ku Klux Klan have for blacks, and he goes up to a Moor Elf name Simpleton S. Simple and just kills it. Or someone who worship the new Evil god (If there are any, I still need to get caught up with God lore with these changes.) to them, killing anyone who worship other gods is the good thing to do. What happens then? Would their god abandon them? Gods do need pieces, and strong ones too."


Lord of Altera
I've got a question:

"What if someone turns to be someone who complete hates a specific group? Let's say Person M. Normal hates the Moor Elves with that burning passion Stalin had for some, or that Hitler had for Jewish people, or the Ku Klux Klan have for blacks, and he goes up to a Moor Elf name Simpleton S. Simple and just kills it. Or someone who worship the new Evil god (If there are any, I still need to get caught up with God lore with these changes.) to them, killing anyone who worship other gods is the good thing to do. What happens then? Would their god abandon them? Gods do need pieces, and strong ones too."
I assume-
That person that hates the elves/whatever else would need to make it really obvious, but also- if he was as high standing, like a noble, owning a town, he would never kill or attack in another town, for fear of ruining any potential reputation with allies/other townsmen, he would also not like to risk an entire army coming his way if he say.. killed an elf who happened to be friends with someone in Marr, while in Azerport, it's just silly-

So again, the character would need to make his hate very obvious, and hopefully for a good reason- If we're going with the Moor elves thing then they could easily claim that Queen Grief/the Corruption still has influence over them. Is there any proof of this? Nope- but fear ties so well in with anger~

If this character owns his own town and everyone knows about his hatred towards Moor elves (Let's say he leaves warning signs at the docks for anyone being a smart ass) and suddenly a Moor Elf enters his town, well, I personally think it's the Moor Elf's own fault. It's like entering the Pirates cove, waving a sword around and expecting to live, it's just not smart. I'm not sure if the characters would possibly get away with the murder and be able to be revived- I assume they would actually, IF the Moor Elf hater feels any form of Fear of feels threatened by Moor Elves (To explain his hatred-) then to him it would be self defense.

And the God thing would all depend on the God they worship, Skraag doesn't care that Dummy's killing a heap- what he cares about is that people hear his name and know it. So while a Good God may not like it, it also depends on their definition of Good :p


Legend of Altera
Scardrac never had a permanent.. Mental disabilities, insanity, or sadism. It was all his fault and he had nothing to blame it on, as he was raised that way. But that didn't mean he found killing a part of his life. It didn't mean he went and did it willy-nilly whenever he wanted without consequence. He always hated causing pain. He did have anger issues, but that didn't give his right to kill. What it did give was the heat of the moment. Sure, he didn't feel remorse seconds after a kill, but when everything caught up to him? When he was put into prison and had his arms near unworkable? That is when he felt remorse and sadness.

Gonna quote @SallyPirate :
You don't need to be a demon to be a monster.
Now this has its own twist to it. What is a story without bad guys? Isn't that all we are doing? Writing a story? The crafty and fair-played, genuine antagonist/anti-hero type characters are what gives the roleplay campaigns and endeavors flavor and conflict. The protagonists are important too.

But back to what I was saying. You don't need to be a demon to be a monster. Hell, demons -can- be monsters, but.. The worst monsters are those built to be monsters, not faulted to be. You don't need some disability that makes you more violent, you don't need to be raised by cannibals and taught pain is a daily routine. You don't need to have a split personality. You need to define the character as is. The bad-guys are fun to roleplay with, but now more than ever you need to role-play them right. Hopefully this new reform against violent roleplay will help put some guidelines down for people.

I hate split personalities. . .so bad 'omg my character is insane so i will make him have 68 freaking personalities, so i get an excuse to murder but the original personality doesn't get killed because it isn't his fault, only the 67th personality's'

Bit over the top yes, but it's a bit tiresome to see that excuse.


Dead Man Walking
I've seen a lot of talk about how bad death is and how it shouldn't be taken so lightly. This is true . . for the real world, but Altera deaths aren't the same as RL deaths and as such should not be treated with the same respect.

Altera isn't the real world.

Some characters know what happens after you die, it isn't that bad.

Some characters can be rezzed.

My character Dummyplug may have a "split personality" or just a repressed part of his own personality or insane or whatever, I haven't really decided yet. But every now and then he has to go and kill somebody(PvP or IC), I will not be changing this part of him. He has never tried to shrug off what he has done as not his fault. He has tried to break his little habit and was unable, so he tried to turn it to his advantage by sending the people he kills to Skraag where they will one day return as undead. He only recently learned that this was pointless in the eyes of Skraag because everyone will die and come to him anyway, but Skraag still likes the attention.

That said, Dummy has noticed the way people cling to life as if it is the only form of being that they get to experience and he has gone on a campaign to promote Skraag and increase peoples awareness of what happens after life which is totally and completely confirmed in Altera.

Dummyplug does not take pleasure from causing pain or suffering, but in no way does he see death as a bad thing or something that is to be avoided at all costs or something terribly tragic. Because in Altera, it really isn't that bad.

EDIT: Dummyplug's character has to have this personality flaw where he goes out and kills people every so often because I LOVE PVP. But since it has to be a IC thing in the Sorrows it then has to be an IC personality flaw.
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Legend of Altera
I've seen a lot of talk about how bad death is and how it shouldn't be taken so lightly. This is true . . for the real world, but Altera deaths aren't the same as RL deaths and as such should not be treated with the same respect.

Altera isn't the real world.

Some characters know what happens after you die, it isn't that bad.

Some characters can be rezzed.

My character Dummyplug may have a "split personality" or just a repressed part of his own personality or insane or whatever, I haven't really decided yet. But every now and then he has to go and kill somebody(PvP or IC), I will not be changing this part of him. He has never tried to shrug off what he has done as not his fault. He has tried to break his little habit and was unable, so he tried to turn it to his advantage by sending the people he kills to Skraag where they will one day return as undead. He only recently learned that this was pointless in the eyes of Skraag because everyone will die and come to him anyway, but Skraag still likes the attention.

That said, Dummy has noticed the way people cling to life as if it is the only form of being that they get to experience and he has gone on a campaign to promote Skraag and increase peoples awareness of what happens after life which is totally and completely confirmed in Altera.

Dummyplug does not take pleasure from causing pain or suffering, but he in no way sees death as a bad thing or something that is to be avoided at all costs or something terribly tragic. Because in Altera, it really isn't that bad.

EDIT: Dummyplug's character has to have this personality flaw where he goes out and kills people every so often because I LOVE PVP. But since it has to be a IC thing in the Sorrows it then has to be an IC personality flaw.

. . .Sounds like a sort of impulsive disorder ._.


Dead Man Walking
. . .Sounds like a sort of impulsive disorder ._.
So if a Kleptomaniac steals stuff. Then Dummy would be a . . . Homicidal maniac . . .

Edit: But really, I don't need to have an scientific explanation for it or pin down its cause to a specific condition. I might one day, but I'm happy with it for now.


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
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Retired Owner
I've seen a lot of talk about how bad death is and how it shouldn't be taken so lightly. This is true . . for the real world, but Altera deaths aren't the same as RL deaths and as such should not be treated with the same respect.

Altera isn't the real world.

Some characters know what happens after you die, it isn't that bad.

Some characters can be rezzed.

My character Dummyplug may have a "split personality" or just a repressed part of his own personality or insane or whatever, I haven't really decided yet. But every now and then he has to go and kill somebody(PvP or IC), I will not be changing this part of him. He has never tried to shrug off what he has done as not his fault. He has tried to break his little habit and was unable, so he tried to turn it to his advantage by sending the people he kills to Skraag where they will one day return as undead. He only recently learned that this was pointless in the eyes of Skraag because everyone will die and come to him anyway, but Skraag still likes the attention.
It's been discussed before that there are certain (rather unhinged) characters who do it well and add to the overall RP experience. Albiorix is one of these, and in my opinion, so is Dummy. That being said, it is the Sisterhood of Shalherana that resurrects people, although they certainly do not have a monopoly on Mysticism (hehehe). It also seems to me that people who play their characters with this level of skill are still careful with the life of these characters. I'm not even 100% certain if Dummy has ever died, and am unclear as to whether Grey has died since he was brought back by the corruption. If he hasn't, he'd be the only corrupted (besides Tzemik) that I know of who has not been killed at least once during this campaign. So while this new (still pending, technically) rule might affect him, it might not have as much of an impact on his (or your) gameplay for the reason that you guys die less often than your average psycho.

That said, Dummy has noticed the way people cling to life as if it is the only form of being that they get to experience and he has gone on a campaign to promote Skraag and increase peoples awareness of what happens after life which is totally and completely confirmed in Altera.
Yeah he has~ :heart:

Dummyplug does not take pleasure from causing pain or suffering, but he in no way sees death as a bad thing or something that is to be avoided at all costs or something terribly tragic. Because in Altera, it really isn't that bad.
And I think this defines the difference.