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Yū Yi
This might also be a bit vague, but it is the best I can do in my current state of tiredness.

I think one thing that most players sometimes are dying to know is why

It seems we are getting fairly well covered with informations, of course there is always room for improvements, but what I have been missing is "Why are we doing this?"-explanation. Lets take the mich demotion as an example, it came sudden with no "why", but we all knew that it happend. We can take that as an example that the staff does something, we are informed or have the acces to the knowledge in some way, but we are missing a why. No offense to Cherbert of course, but this was the closest to an example I could remember currently... It might not be the best and I can properly come with another tomorow.

This might be vague, but I atleast hope it can be taken to a little thought.


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
To be honest I don't see this as being a wider-ranging problem. I think very few staff members have been souring the community, and I think unfortunately a large part of the issue (the issue detailed in the OP's post) is due to personality conflicts.
If this is the case then you have to ask; Should a staff member be a staff member if, collectively, there are over five pages of complaints, accusations, and negative opinions of them? Some people are simply not suited to be in that level (however minor) of influence.
I'm more inclined to put stock in the words of folk confiding in friends than I am the words of people posting sympathy and pity on public threads, for obvious reasons.

There are a large amount of points to address, but I don't really have the energy to do it all, while at the same time I have a rather silly yet equally strong urge to express my own thoughts on the topic, so I'll just put this and leave it there-

No one in Management is happy with this situation, and I doubt negative feelings will abate with time. Sometimes plasters need to be ripped off to let things heal, and while it might hurt at first, everything will be better for it in the long run. Oh, and please people realise we're all a bunch of geeks playing with virtual dolls, will you? We should stop taking ourselves so damn seriously :p


Lord of Altera
On that note though:

Throughout the entirety of this thread, a lot of things have been said- I'd have to say this is the most venting I've seen for a long time.

Please take note: No one's been demoted, no one's been banned, I am genuinely interested in hearing what people have to say, but only if I can do something with the information. I've already clarified that I don't like being vague (my apologies though, I am very blunt), and I need as much information as I can to solve issues.

I am biased, I see activity from the staff daily, I've seen my friends step out and do things I'm preeeetty sure that they didn't want to do- just to get stuff out there, to talk to others and let them feel welcome, and most importantly, let them contribute.

But something I've forgotten to mention is that I've also seen players working hard. I see people who own towns with heaps of people online at the same time, when they don't have a level of drama that requires the presence of a staff member. That is impressive and you deserve a medal. I see players login and RP for hours on end, it is incredible, you are actively adding to the immersion of the server and I wish I could thank you personally every time.

I see players adding pictures, stories, buildings, so much creativity and it's beautiful. I'm sorry I keep being biased, I should NOT put staff work above anyone elses, everyone works in their own way, everyone contributes in their own way. I need to resolve this way of thinking and I'll do my best to do so. I'm sorry for my bad moods, my snapping and of course my grudges. I have some petty grudges and tend to go to quick excuses. I'm still trying to fix that.

Regardless, I want to end this on a good note... which I'll mention as soon as I think of something-

This might also be a bit vague, but it is the best I can do in my current state of tiredness.

I think one thing that most players sometimes are dying to know is why

It seems we are getting fairly well covered with informations, of course there is always room for improvements, but what I have been missing is "Why are we doing this?"-explanation. Lets take the mich demotion as an example, it came sudden with no "why", but we all knew that it happend. We can take that as an example that the staff does something, we are informed or have the acces to the knowledge in some way, but we are missing a why. No offense to Cherbert of course, but this was the closest to an example I could remember currently... It might not be the best and I can properly come with another tomorow.

This might be vague, but I atleast hope it can be taken to a little thought.
As cherb mentioned, there was a long-time build up of complaints, I can confirm that it was starting to become draining. I heard regular complaints, every campaign, every event, any move Mich made and it was complained about. I didn't bring these up with her (quite a big regret) and when (again- as cherb mentioned) Mich mentioned stepping down, it seemed like an easy way out.

We didn't think to give Mich a heads up of this point (And admittedly, I had completely forgotten she had posted about wanting to step down) which is what caused the initial explosion of.. I guess what can only be called "Holy balls we screwed up."


Lord of Altera
Not like that, I used it as an example of staff taking actions without telling us why.

Cutting it very shortly down:

I, Mokwar, wish that players could be better informed with the reasoning used, when staff and or managements makes changes.

I am not talking for everyone since I can't, but this is something I feel like I need and want.
Um- What kind of changes?


Yū Yi
Um- What kind of changes?
All if the time is there, but then just in the major changes.

This isn't the right thread for me to continue though, but you asked for less vague "complaints" and I believe mine wasn't that vague and fairly well explained.
This isn't anything personal, but if needed I got a list of "complaints", but most of them may be nitpicking and the others can be personal issues, but if ever wanted I can state them in a seperate place.
I believe Mokwar is referring to things such as that infamous choice with the Syrien that made such a huge misunderstanding...
That and some other stuff I am to tired to dig into currently.


Lord of Altera
I believe Mokwar is referring to things such as that infamous choice with the Syrien that made such a huge misunderstanding...
My memory isn't 100% reliable, but from what I remember of that, the leader of the Syrien was contacted with the intention to remove the Syrein, unfortunately the information was spread out and all of them got upset before we could post anything about it.

But that's my memory- and I'm certain I've missed some key points.


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
[Gaby's quote from a Skype conversation with Michat - Edited out by Mich.]

I wasn't part of the two-day long conversation so I don't know the details, and I only contributed a page or so from various people, which ranged from precise, contracted arguments detailing why she isn't capable of staff work at that level, to paragraphs about personal slights and perceived injustice.
As far as I know Mich was presented with all of it (or at least relevant sections), but was (I hope) not informed of the names of the people speaking up.
Last edited:


Lord of Altera
All if the time is there, but then just in the major changes.

This isn't the right thread for me to continue though, but you asked for less vague "complaints" and I believe mine wasn't that vague and fairly well explained.
This isn't anything personal, but if needed I got a list of "complaints", but most of them may be nitpicking and the others can be personal issues, but if ever wanted I can state them in a seperate place.

That and some other stuff I am to tired to dig into currently.
I'm sorry, since I manage plugins any "Major changes" mentioned and I instantly think about plugin stuff- there are loads of changes to do with that and I've been scrambling with other staff to figure that out xD (I don't know when 1.8 is coming but the combo of EULA was a flood towards needing information and changes regarding this stuff-)

I think- and I'm sorry to say this, as I said I'm so blunt and literal a lot of stuff goes right over my head no matter how much I read it.

Do you mean Lore changes? Ingame changes like map stuff and big events?


Lord of Altera
I wasn't part of the two-day long conversation so I don't know the details, and I only contributed a page or so from various people, which ranged from precise, contracted arguments detailing why she isn't capable of staff work at that level, to paragraphs about personal slights and perceived injustice.
As far as I know Mich was presented with all of it (or at least relevant sections), but was (I hope) not informed of the names of the people speaking up.
I deleted that post and would suggest you do the same...

I made a mistake there. skype calls are private, and I breached that privacy.


Yū Yi
I'm sorry, since I manage plugins any "Major changes" mentioned and I instantly think about plugin stuff- there are loads of changes to do with that and I've been scrambling with other staff to figure that out xD (I don't know when 1.8 is coming but the combo of EULA was a flood towards needing information and changes regarding this stuff-)

I think- and I'm sorry to say this, as I said I'm so blunt and literal a lot of stuff goes right over my head no matter how much I read it.

Do you mean Lore changes? Ingame changes like map stuff and big events?
Yes exactly, I could say; Stuff that affects us. I hate to use that term "us" as it kinda seperates admins from players, I am sorry.

Lore changes: Why did this race have to be removed? Why did this appear? why is this a thing? etc.

Staff and management changes: Why did he become a staff? Why was he demoted?

You get what I mean hopefully ^^

People are curious and sometimes I think we are, or atleast I am, more interested in the why's rather than the actions.


Lord of Altera
Yes exactly, I could say; Stuff that affects us. I hate to use that term "us" as it kinda seperates admins from players, I am sorry.

Lore changes: Why did this race have to be removed? Why did this appear? why is this a thing? etc.

Staff and management changes: Why did he become a staff? Why was he demoted?

You get what I mean hopefully ^^

People are curious and sometimes I think we are, or atleast I am, more interested in the why's rather than the actions.
Now I understand :D thanks~


Non sum qualis eram
Which makes me ponder as to why she was put back into Management. You see, the people whom supported Michcat's re-promotion were for the most part oblivious to the things she actually did. Although I didn't have very high expectations for the playerbase, seeing as though they knew none of the evidence, I did think they wouldn't comment on things they had no idea about. To add to this, it only made it worse when Michcat contributed to the uproar, rather than waiting for contact with Management. To me, it looked as though it was done intentionally to rile up the community, and was frankly in very bad taste.
This post was made after a draft post with the same content was put in the management section.

Kindly don't attack the playerbase, or, really, anybody, for that matter, for disagreeing with you. That's not why it was made.


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
I don't understand why my post was edited and Michcat's two/three sentences of text removed? It was entirely unpersonal and contained literally nothing secret, insulting, etc. The only reason I can think of for removing it is that it contradicts what actually happened? Again, transparency seems to be a rather large issue.


Non sum qualis eram
I don't understand why my post was edited and Michcat's two/three sentences of text removed? It was entirely unpersonal and contained literally nothing secret, insulting, etc. The only reason I can think of for removing it is that it contradicts what actually happened? Again, transparency seems to be a rather large issue.
I deleted that post and would suggest you do the same...

I made a mistake there. skype calls are private, and I breached that privacy.
[Redacted by request]

Just putting 2 and 2 together.


Which makes me ponder as to why she was put back into Management. You see, the people whom supported Michcat's re-promotion were for the most part oblivious to the things she actually did.
Then why weren't these things brought to light? Did the people who support the demotion know everything she had done too?

Although I didn't have very high expectations for the playerbase, seeing as though they knew none of the evidence, I did think they wouldn't comment on things they had no idea about.
It's not the playerbase's fault for standing up for their friends. Anyone with a shred of loyalty would probably do the same.
Given the lack of information, it's pretty obvious that most arguments for and against would be unjust because the playerbase wasn't informed.

To add to this, it only made it worse when Michcat contributed to the uproar, rather than waiting for contact with Management. To me, it looked as though it was done intentionally to rile up the community, and was frankly in very bad taste.
If she hadn't made this thread, would the playerbase ever have known that this even happened? It seems that the playerbase got her demoted, so why can't they know the result of their actions?


Lord of Altera
As far as I am concerned I stand by demoting Michcat because she effectively (along with Naelwyn) pretty much resigned and I (along with Sally and a few others) were simply formalising a previous desire of them both to step down. Seems that little nugget was left out of the whole affair and its being made out she was demoted as a slap on the wrist.

Disappointed beyond belief from some of the comments above. I guess as usual that those with big issues toward Michcat and those who also had LOTS to say privately against both her and Naelwyn will either not speak out or will be two faced about it.

Totally sick of the bullshit on this server. Just so everyone knows - I have resigned from management and the running of this server. Over 3 years of work growing this community from nothing and my word counts for shit. If the bullshit and lies continues I shall be forced to post evidence.
This is -the- reason that Riddleport left in the first place Cherbert. I cannot thank you enough for showing the side that we were afraid of. There has always been drama that the players show but are just swept under the rug for no one to see. The crown is probably the best evidence for this. I can easily say that players who have problems are demonised by the "club house" that has been formed within the staff. Believe me, this "club house" is not everyone in the staff but it still a constant issue that is being brought up time and time again. The amount of times that great and intelligent people have been hurt from this just keeps on rising.

What people have forgotten is that this is a server for the "PLAYERS". Some people just refuse to accept that this isn't their place to run around and do what they want, this is a server that is meant to take care of the players. I am not saying that you need to hold our hands and make sure -everything- suits us. But ignoring our problems with the staff and server is simply unacceptable.

The fact that people are ganging up on people for disagreeing with the "club house" just proves the point even more.

This post was made after a draft post with the same content was put in the management section.

Kindly don't attack the playerbase, or, really, anybody, for that matter, for disagreeing with you. That's not why it was made.
What? I'm sorry Nael but I cannot see the reason for your post? Man is simply stating his opinion on why this issue was brought up in the first place.

Also, these threads have been constantly popping up over the years, why isn't things changing?

We left the first time for this exact reason.

I hope that we can finally all grow up and acknowledge the fact that problems have occurred in the past. I know that things can seem hostile and that everyone is ganging up on you but the thing is, we all just want what is best for everyone and sometimes what is best for everyone is to stop trying to fix everything. Instead, lets just fix the problems.

I hope I haven't come out as rude or hostile.


p.s. @Axis you my friend, could not be more correct about people being afraid of speaking out against the staff~
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