Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Inactive Morna - Ex-Bandit Leader


The Brainz
Retired Staff
A recent summoning of Vermella has restored her faith in the god.
She has been forgiven and has returned to her follower position.
The god brought up many great points that Morna must think on. Things concerning her loved ones.
Also through Vermella, Tybalt has finally forgiven Morna.
Tybalt Forvies Morna.png @Tybalt
Goren.....png @Monster_Dan
Lots and lots of relations updates
Last edited:


Lord of Altera
A recent summoning of Vermella has restored her faith in the god.
She has been forgiven and has returned to her follower position.
The god brought up many great points that Morna must think on. Things concerning her loved ones.
Also through Vermella, Tybalt has finally forgiven Morna.
View attachment 49939 @Tybalt
View attachment 49940 @Monster_Dan
Lots and lots of relations updates
Never knew words could taste like vinegar.