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❅ Leila Artorius ⚔ Wanderer❅


Lord of Altera

"There's a time for a new beginning.."
Lady Leila Artorius
Countess of Vallée De Mai.
Rightful ruler of La Marche.

▽△Wulfe's Quotes:▽△
"No matter what, no matter how hard, I'll keep fighting for family!"
"I promised I'd take care of you"
"No matter what happens, I'll always be there for you"
"Just know, I'll always be with you."

▽△Character Chart▽△
Character’s full name: Wulfe Artorius (Rei) -or- Leila Artorius.
{Wulfe goes by two names, but for a more proper name. She goes by, Leila.}
Character’s nickname: Wolfy, Wulfie, Little wolf, little pup, Wolfe., wolf.
Birth date: 23th Year of insight - Session of Harvest

Age: 19.
{Wulfe looks more like she's 18, due to her elven heritage}
Gender: Female. ♀
Race: Wood Elf with some human quality.
{Gets it from her mother and father. Father being elven, and mother being human}
Social Status: Noble class/ Soldier class.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Height: 5'9".
Homeland: Southern Altera.
{Wulfe grew up in the Southern part of Altera in, Azerport}
Current Home: Vallee De Mai.
Voice: -
Overall attractiveness: Over-all average elven woman.
Physical disabilities: Currently none.
Usual fashion of dress: Beautiful light blue dresses.
Favorite outfit: There are no current favorite outfits, but currently she wears a black cloak, and usual civilian like clothing underneath matched with gauntlets and plated braces.
Jewelry or accessories: 'Ring of Loyalty'; on white gold chain.

Build: People would describe her build as a defined look. Tight, yet packing a punch.
{Through years, Wulfe's built up the strength and agility to take down foes}
Hair: Charcoal Black Hair.
Eyes: Grey eyes. {Eye color}
{When Wulfe was young, her eyes had been a little grey, until now they became fully grey}
Skin: Pale, as it is flawless. Leila was born with new, fresh skin.
{When Wulfe died, she was given a new copy of a body by the sisterhood.}
Identifying Marks: Leila currently has a tattoo on her back. {Tattoo}
{Was tattoo'd by, Murdoc which became painful later on}
Appearance: {Entire Appearance}
Clothing underneath: {Under Vest}

Hygiene: Wulfe maintains her body, taking regular baths.
{Usually, Wulfe finds a nice lake or stream to bathe in. Even a hot spring.}
Languages he/she can speak: Common, Elven, Old Arcturian.

Enraged when: One of her family is hurt.
Depressed or sad when: When Leila is left abandoned, or hurt.
Priorities: Keep her family safe, and her self strong.
If granted one wish, it would be: Depending on the moment.
Why?: Bad men did this to her.
Character’s soft spot: When hugged.
Is this soft spot obvious to others?: Yes, to the ones she knows.
Biggest accomplishment: Surviving a gods curse.
Minor accomplishment: Being able to be so amazing.
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: None.
Why?: Nadda.
Character’s darkest secret: Ha, nope.
Does anyone else know?: None.

Immediate goals: ϟ
•Escape Jishrims influence - ✔
•Learning Basic Archery - ✔
•Becoming someone knowingly - ✔
•Meet lots of new people - ✔
•Become what she once was. - ✔
•Become the better archer she deemed to be - ✔
•Learn new techniques to protect her friends/family. - ✔
•Make amends to her friends - ✔
•Do something that will make her uncomfortable. "Neve...-" - ✔ @zXzMAGIIKzXz
•Get, Erik back for Lilith. -
•Make sure Queens Port is secured of bandits. - ✔

•Get her arm fixed up and healed. - ✔
Long term goals:
•Become a warrior - ✔
•Be greater in Archery - ✔
•Escape Jishrims curse - ✔
•Complete training with Scardrac -
•Continue to train, Flan into a successful warrior, and get her ready for life, as her parents couldn't do so: - ✔ @Tayohud
•Become a family again. - ✔
•Get Vallee De Mai back up and running. - ✔
•Make an Alliance between Lavoyard and Blackrose. - ✔
•Recruit more soldiers for Lavoyards influence. - ✔

Make sure, Lavoyard reaches the highest influence in all of Altera. -
•Get through her pregnancy safely. - ✘ (Death...)

•Time to make things right, and set them back. - ✔

Hometown: φ
Vallee De Mai
Pets: Her horses.
Child-hood hero: Mother and Father.
Dream job: Currently, Leila is without a desire for a job. Taking on a lone-wanderer to help those in need, to vanquish those she thinks are the unnecessary and cretins.
{Was torn down due to the Rangers never getting the time to meet her}
Education: Leila's education is more then moderate of Altera, having been taught by scholars/Knights/Family. Having a vase knowledge to do almost all she pleases to do.
Religion: Ignis/Silas, bonding the two into a lawful, intelligent justice.
Finances: Currently standing at a value of $50,000 radients.

Mother: Ylva Artorius (Rei)
Relationship with her: Mother
Father: Lucius Artorius
Relationship with him: Father
Siblings: Carolus, Rebecca, Ilya, Vorn and Luke.
Relationship with them: Brothers and sisters.
Spouse: --
Relationship with him/her: --
Relationship with them: --
Other important family members: --

Hobbies: ⚖

  • Writing guides/ anything knowledgeable.
  • Making arrows in her spare time.
  • Teaching others how to properly exercise and use weaponry.
  • Training independently.
Plays a musical instrument?: ♫
  1. Plays the Lute Guitar - being more then averagely good at it.
  2. Plays the Flute - Average
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Inside - or outside for good reasons.
Smokes: No.
Drinks: Leila drinks rum/ale most of her time when she goes to the crossroads tavern/inn, or when she's alone at home, in the solitude of her castle.
Other drugs: None.
Extremely skilled at:

  • Archery - Has been consistent for over five years training. After taking a year off, she is now re-training herself to become better for better teachings for the future.
  • Swordsman ship - Leila has become apparent in the way of the sword, having been taught by Landir, Scardrac, and Lucius Artorius. All for a small amount of time, showing her ways of training, but has taken them to heart and trained ever since.
Usual body posture: Changes based on the area and people.
Mannerisms: Changes depending on the environment and surrounding presences.

▽△Physical body traits▽△
(These are appropriate things I thought should be mentioned)
Natural Smell: Leila naturally smells good, to doing hard work, or getting dirty. Her skin has this natural smell that just smells good to others senses. It's not a drug, as it comes naturally to her body. A "natural smell" that came from her mother when she was born. This smell stayed with Leila. Therefore will always have this natural smell.
{Wulfe smells naturally nice from the pines around her house - and the natural body Oder}
Naturally looks: Leila looks like a flawless elven woman, yet taking the look of a wandering swordsman. She carries around a satchel to give her that scholar look. She doesn't openly make herself obvious.

How he/she feels about himself/herself: Well - She doesn't really think this, as she only thinks of the current happenings of her surroundings. She cares of her friends, family and innocent people.
One word the character would use to describe self: Respectful, Honorable and logical.

Place: Vallee De Mai.
Pastime: Having fun with Becky.
Food: Pork.
Drink: Grape juice.
Colour: Red.
Animal: Wolf
{Wulfe loves wolves!}
Favorite lullaby: From Rebecca.
Prized possession: Her dads scarf.

Least Favourite...
Place: Filthy places.
Pastime: Being a prisoner.
Food: Sloppy, gross, slimy food.
Drink: Gross drinks that taste terrible to the tongue.
Colour: Pink.
Animal: Skunks.
Least liked possession: None currently.

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Overall: Very good.

Mental Disorders: Doesn't have any disabilities currently.
Emotional Stability: Depending on the day, she becomes somewhat different in emotions. Changes simultaneously .
Mental Stability: Wulfe is sane, and is very much not insane.
Memory: Lacking some ability to remember.
Calming Down: Wulfe is easily calmed when hugged or held. She is mostly calm herself.
Sleep: Sleeping has become decently good, she can sleep pretty much anywhere as long as there's a substance, or body next to her.

Overall: Very good.

Speaking: Her ability to speak is fairly well done, taught, and learned from her parents.
Languages: Common, Elven, Old Arcturian.
Making new friends: Fair enough.
Trustworthiness: Very well trusted.
Defusing hostile situations: Decent.
Winning arguments: Average.
Lying: She is excellent at it.
Romantic encounters: Many.

Overall: Moderate.

Can Read/Write?: Several years of reading and writing, but even now Wulfe's become a slight scholar of sorts, writing books and reading others to learn and become knowledgeable to continue to write more books.
Nobility: Ever since Wulfe was born, she was a noble baby but now a noble woman even so. Wulfe's been an elegant woman and always respected nobles. But even so, she stays away from the such, making herself look like one of the people. One day she'll take her place as a noble, but not today.
Etiquette: Average.
Warfare: Since she was young enough to hold a bow, she later on learned of the war fare that happens around Altera, even after experiencing what her father had done in a Rebellion against Lavoyard, she now knows that only six men against twenty four can win even against the biggest odds.
Mathematics: Is okay, but much rather not do it.
History: Knows well enough.
Science: Knowledgeable somewhat of it.
Medicine and Anatomy: Recently, Wulfe's created a medical book for others to use, learning from others Wulfe was able to put together a book to help others learn about medical procedures and how to save someones life when needed. Wulfe's in several moments had to be pushed to save someone. But when she lost someone she has lost some courage to do more.
Agriculture: Sure
The Arts (art history): Over the years and boredom, Wulfe's been able to draw up some decent art of people. In a little journal she's drawn pictures of randomness, but nothing particular until it's a portrait of someone else she knows of.
Music: Wulfe's lately picked up the 'Bard Guitar' to just fool about on it, pulling a few strings and as she sits around sometimes and relaxes. The tune of the music helps her ease. But she's also played the Jovik pan flute many times, to where she's become good enough to play it around for others, but usually she keeps to herself.
Religion: Wulfe's come to worship Silas due to the knowledge and power he holds. Wulfe's finally came to the point where Silas is the only God she needs to worship to keep learning and get more knowledgeable so that she can become more powerful in the mind and know more ways to fit the solutions.

Overall: Very good.

Hand-to-Hand Combat: Decent enough that she hadn't need the blade to protect her, she if challenged by an opponent with a fists, she is obligated to fight with her hands. She's only counted on how much she knows in the combat to protect herself that she's learned from her father Lucius.
Bladed Weapons: Wulfe's only ever needed to use her knife for hunting, and the such for practice reasons. But she's learned how to use the dagger in an actual fight. It's hard, and more harder if the opponent has a big sword and you can't by-pass their sword to get to them. But her longsword, is nothing but beautiful to her. She's only ever used her longsword in bone sweating moments to protect herself from enemies and or the like creatures. Counting her life on her longsword to protect her.
Bows and Crossbows: For five years, Wulfe's been able to use a longbow and ever since then she's been practical with it. Crossbows are just a step up but also easier as they are more precise and accurate then a bow. But Wulfe's been able to coop with the idea with just the Bow.
Dodging Attacks: Through training and hard sweats, Wulfe's been able to dodge a few attacks, but it's impossible to be so fast as to dodge them all! Wulfe's continuously counted on her blade to parry off attacks, and or clash blades with another to sustain her life.


Sewing: Can actually sew little things.
Gardening: Wulfe living in a farming family, her mother Ylva, has taught her how to actually garden and crop foods further more. Wulfe's learn many ways to plant seeds and sustain life of a flower inside her home through winter.
Stone carving: Can't.
Painting: Very little.
Sculpture: Can't.
Clay: Clay ball?
Stone: Can't.
Wood: Can't.
Metal smith: Can't

Overall: Excellent!

Perception: Wulfe keeps generally silent most of the time, keeping a watchful eye. She scouts the surroundings with her eyes while people are.. unreasonably slower then her and lack the ability to follow orders when following. She keeps a good hear and an even better hearing with her elven ears.
Stealth: Being a wolf, nothing but a wolf, but always a wolf, Wulfe's been stealthy with others, even if it's hide-and-go-seek, wulfe's hidden, but like everyone she can be found just so easy. Depending on the environment, Wulfe's able to hide where ever is needed due to her black clothing and quiet ways.
Evading Enemies: Being trained by Scardrac for a little, not much was learned from it, but she was taught how to get stronger in some general way, Landir has shown her some techniques with the blade, which helped immensely, but her father Lucius has been absolutely a big help in this, and she loves him for how much he had taught Wulfe in many things.
Wilderness Survival: Can survive on her own with a dagger, and flint and steel.
Climbing: Vallee De Mai recently has been in ruins, but even before then Wulfe climbed the mountains and tree's of the Vallee. Since then, laying ropes and ladders been leaning against walls, to where Wulfe's been climbing every bit to get around and train even herself in the matter.
Swimming: Hardly swimming now a days, Wulfe's been able to swim just fine in the rivers and open waters where it's warm. She's able to go against currents and use her arms and legs to power herself through the water well enough to stay afloat.
Hunting: Ever since Wulfe learned how to use an actual bow, months later she was able to hunt small game, ever since then she's been using a longbow and getting bigger gain like wolves, elks, boars. It's been a good hunting year for Wulfe for the past while.
Fire starting: It's easy as it sounds, but with flint and steel, it takes some banging and waiting. Wulfe's come quite decent with the flint and steel to start her fire, keeping it small at first, but later to add more to the pile to make it slightly bigger and last longer.
Preparing food: It's apparent her mother has taught her many things Wulfe needed to survive, but Wulfe herself also experimented on meats herself, as she does rather meats and the protein they hold for her to stay strong and eat healthy to stay alive in her home of Vallee De Mai.
Trapping: For years now, Wulfe's been hunting amongst the woods of Vallee De Mai, her hunting ground. To whom enters it, may find a unwanted trap with themselves in it. But for years through harsh snowy mountain weathers, Wulfe's survived on her hunting and trapping skills to get her prey and eat a good dinner.

▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬​
( Out Dated )▬▬▬▬▬▬
From today on, I'll be keeping track of how long IRL time I take in training:
+Acrobatics basics: 32 min. 50 sec.
+Archery: 3 hour. 104 min. 35 sec.
+Sword Practice: 4 hour. 83 min. 67 sec.
+Parkour: o min. 0 sec.
+Hand to Hand combat: 10 min. 0 sec.
+Dagger Throwing: 0 min. 0 sec.
+Spear throwing: 0 min. 0 sec.
+Axe throwing: 1 min. 25 min. 15 sec.
+Daily exercise: 1 hour. 60 min. 10sec.

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Lord of Altera
+Baselard Dagger+
Baselard Dagger
Weight : 13.15 ounces
Overall length : 17 inches
Blade length : 11 1/2 inches
Blade width : 1 1/8 inches at base; tapering to 1/2 inches
Hilt length : 4 2/8 inches
Guard width : 2 3/8 inches
[The Baselard Dagger was most efficient for her quick maneuvering close range. She is able to reach it quick enough to send swift, efficient thrusts into her opponent at close range.]

That sword was owned by the founder of a Syrien town, that fell to the hands of the corruption before the last Exodus.

Small steel sword, in very good condition. The grip is wrapped in a plain dark brown leather strip, wrapped diagonally on all its length.
The blade is very slightly curved at the end, and its cross-section shape is a fuller one. (
On the blade, small stylized shapes of fish have been engraved.
It pulses with enchantments, probably why it is still in a such good shape, even after having rested in a tomb in a corrupted town for so long.

+Burning Light+
  • Total length: 115.5 cm
  • Blade length: 96 cm
  • Grip length: 18 cm
  • Weight: 1.44 kg
  • Blade thickness (base): 4.5 mm
  • Blade thickness (CoP): 4.1 mm
  • Blade width (base): 4.5 cm
  • Blade width (CoP): 3.3 cm
  • Point of Balance (PoB): 11 cm
  • Center of Percussion (CoP): 30 cm
  • Oakeshott type: XX

+Undefined Might+
  • Total length: 115.5 cm
  • Blade length: 96 cm
  • Grip length: 18 cm
  • Weight: 1.44 kg
  • Blade thickness (base): 4.5 mm
  • Blade thickness (CoP): 4.1 mm
  • Blade width (base): 4.5 cm
  • Blade width (CoP): 3.3 cm
  • Point of Balance (PoB): 11 cm
  • Center of Percussion (CoP): 30 cm
  • Oakeshott type: XX

  • Total length: 139 cm
  • Blade length: 102 cm
  • Grip length: 15.5 cm
  • Weight: 2040 g
  • Blade thickness (base): 4.7 mm
  • Blade thickness (CoP): 4 mm
  • Blade width (base): 4.5 cm
  • Blade width (CoP): 3.7 cm
  • Point of Balance (PoB): 14 cm
  • Center of Percussion (CoP): 25 cm
  • Oakeshott type: XIIIa

With the triumph of rapiers in the 16th century, left-handed parrying daggers gained significance. They gave the user the ability to intercept the opponent's thrusts as well as presenting a second possibility of attacking after the primary weapon. In contrast to the long, narrow weapons of the time, parrying daggers were characterized by wide, sturdy blades.

The sword-breaker is a particularly effective version of the parrying dagger invented in Spain that quickly spread throughout Europe. Notches along the sharp edge made it possible to catch the opponent's primary weapon, and for those who were skilled enough, to break the blade with a jerky movement of the hand.

Our sword-breaker is a particularly sturdy and practical model of this type of weapon. The blade features a ricasso with a length of approx. 2.8 cm and has seven u-shaped grooves. At 1.3 cm apart, the distance between the notches is relatively large for a sword-breaker which increases the stability of the blade. Leather is wrapped diagonally around the grip, making it especially nonslip.

  • Total length: 47 cm
  • Blade length: 29.4 cm
  • Grip length: 12.7 cm
  • Weight: 0.57 kg
  • Blade thickness (base): 4.8 mm
  • Blade width (base): 3.4 cm
+Archer Axe+
Archer Axe

Axes have always been used as tools and are potentially deadly weapons as well. Depending on its size, an axe could either be designed to deliver mighty cuts to foes or as a medium-range throwing weapon.

They were also the second weapon of choice for archers. They used axes like our archer axe as hammers for pounding stakes into the ground and then sharpening their points as protection from the enemy. This kept the enemy a respectable distance away from a group of archers. When they could no longer keep the enemy at bay with arrows, archers used their axes as weapons. A tapering slot with a rounded head has been milled into the blade of our archer axe – for pulling nails out of wood. The handle of this axe is made of hardwood and the head is made of tempered steel.

+Wulfe's Knife+

  • Total length: 35.6 cm
  • Blade length: 22.2 cm
  • Weight: 0.14 kg
  • Blade thickness (base): 3.2 mm
  • Blade width (base): 2.5 cm

+Small Damascus Steel Knife+

  • Total length: 28 cm
  • Blade length: 16 cm
  • Grip length: 10 cm
  • Weight: 0.23 kg
  • Blade thickness (base): 4.2 mm
  • Blade width (base): 2.6 cm



Fjorleif - One of many friends, Leila would hope to hold onto. Fjor, now notably pregnant. Came to Vallee to visit Leila, didn't realized that she was actually Wulfe in disguise. But, over-all enjoyable to watch Fjor figure it out with some teasing and fun, she finally figured it out in the end. Leila hopes to keep Fjor around for a bit more, but feels over-protected about the baby soon to come. After getting her own title as "Aunty Wulfe". Leila couldn't be more happier. @Cukie1
Njorun - A little child, Leila has become bonded over with the three years spent in Vallee De Mai. Teaching her Old Arcturian, and holding her close so she can sleep. Was the best, three years of Leila's life, that she had forgotten about, and how to feel. The family of Fjor's and Welands, have been nothing, but a warming hold, and greeting sight to have. Njorun, is loved and cherished by Leila.

Cares For:
Hamish - One, and the only people able to calm Leila, who's been there since a child as Leila took care of him. Hammy became a child under her protection, and from there he continues to call, Leila, "Mommy". A sweet little Caparii who, without a doubt, Leila would take into her protection to keep safe. Wanting the best for him. @CthulhuPeople

Flan - Someone who needed Leila, when she wasn't around. Flan had always depended on others, but not in a bad way. She wasn't readied for life, and needed a hand to guide her through it all. And when Leila wasn't there. She was left alone to survive. But when Leila came back, she was better. Leila continues to help keep Flan healthy and well, wanting the best for her. @strudelsnap
Lilith - Leila has always taken care of Lilith when needed, but recently, she hasn't been around for Leila to help.

Evaine - Having missed, Evaine. Who, was always there in a caring attitude, has always helped Leila from awkward situations. Being one to hardly show ones emotions, Evaine had helped Leila, hoping she'll be around a bit more. Leila can trust her, wanting to see her more - but knows she's always busy.
Weland - A big, yet kind man, who spends his time, and protection on Fjor and his loved ones. He is loving to his daughter, who he wishes to grow big and strong. He always helps out, but sometimes quiet when it comes to different languages. Leila trusts him due to his respect and reputation with his family.

Ben d'gem - A past friend, and a friend still now. He, has always smiled, nothing more but been a happy being. Simply, there for others, and calling them "My friend" in Lavoyard. A kind soul, but a kinder heart at that. Leila unwishing to hurt Ben, even if held at blade point, she would not dare but to hurt a fragment of the past. Instead, she cherishes him being around.

Scardrac - Through hard times, even through the worst. Leila tried the impossible, to save Scardrac from Tzemik. But alas, it was too late for Leila to try and do so, having her own arm snapped awkwardly backwards into a broken state, she was not well enough to save Scardrac who was rotten then stabbed. But, came back after death. Leila continues to appreciate the man. @Scardrac
William - After being invited into his home, the man and his wife kept Leila sheltered until she was fully healed. Leila didn't know William, but he seemed to know Leila from stories. But over-all, Leila appreciated the help and hospitality from him. @Paint
Kara - Wife of William, who would usually come into the room to give Leila food to keep her healthy, and given her drinks of water that would help keep her hydrated. Leila, even though bothered by others appearing in unannounced, like that Kara the wife of William, would give the time to help Leila.
Weland - After arriving with Fjor at Vallee Dé Mai, Weland became to the sense, of a big nice man. Leila, uncaring for it. Like Weland as he wasn't too talkative, and actually was pleasant to have around. Perhaps, Leila will come to him for swords to be forged. @Paint

Padragin - You've changed, someone more aware. But, it's still not quite right. Can I trust you, or were you generally trying to help me? @Padragin
Tzemik - I can't, what. @Michcat


People who is just awesome?: Michcat, Tempy.
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Lord of Altera
-. . . . . .

I . . . I was more pointing out that Wulfe sounds like a mans name- . . .
Omg! hahah! I am so sorry! Haaaah!
I thought you meant:
*Tears eyes out* -> *Tears her eyes out because they're green*
*The freakout* -> *Saying he has another person to make him blush*