Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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❅ Leila Artorius ⚔ Wanderer❅


Lord of Altera
[UPDATE:] Huge changes to the thread; different decoration of colors and lettering. (For a change) but also a few changed up points in there.

Coming up. . . In-depth relations.


Lord of Altera
Serella - Listens and plays with Wulfe.
Serella: Serri's been there longer then Ely, and has come far closer to Wulfe then Ely has. Serri is someone Wulfe can hug, and hold and tell her problems Wulfe can get off her chest. Serri is sweet and adorable and Wulfe loves her. @Gaby
why is Serri in "liked?" this make crey.

Sexuality: Heterosexual
also I am highly positive nobody actually believes this is true. ;P


Lord of Altera
[UPDATE:] Some traits of her being.

Physical body traits▽△

Natural Smell: Wulfe naturally smells good, to doing hard work, or getting dirty. Her skin has this natural smell that just smells good to others senses. It's not a drug, as it comes naturally to her body. A "natural smell".
Naturally looks: Wulfe is between a cute kid and a murderous soldier. Those appearances turn into a cold/depressing child. When someone lays their eyes upon her. They see the dead-cold look in her eyes, and the neutral tone in her voice and stance. Unpredictable in what she might do.

EDIT: If anyone knows some cool traits. Please do tell : )