Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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❅ Leila Artorius ⚔ Wanderer❅


Lord of Altera
From today on, I'll be keeping track of how long IRL time I take in training:
+Acrobatics basics: 18 min. 43 sec.
+Archery: 0 min. 0 sec.
+Sword Practice: 0 min. 0 sec.
+Parkour: o min. 0 sec.
+Hand to Hand combat: 0 min. 0 sec.

This is honestly to keep my occupied, and give me something to keep up on and discipline myself in trying to get more and more time in. : )


Lord of Altera

I thought this song was beautiful, and I wanted to share it. It's story and song was passionate and romantic, but also sad, and heart thrilling. It's a true love story. But also a perfect song for Wulfe's profile!


Lord of Altera
Honestly. Wulfe will have wolf children. (Not actual wolves) But she's just a type of wolf person to call her baby's "Pups".