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Katies Art thread - Accepting requests/freeart


Lord of Altera
Working on something huge.. I have the line work if you guys wanna see it, but my phones being a poop right now and because the paper size is so large, the app I use on my phone won't let me use more than 3 layers (Instead of the usual 10 so I'm trying to be versatile with my art right now)

This is for Katie and Drake, who are now together. This was when they met at the grand ball about a week/half ago.
View attachment 57293
That is like... some serious detail....


Lord of Altera
omg that sounds terrible, now i feel really bad when you draw something great :p
They say you cant have rainbows without rain :)
I make good things happen from bad situations. Maybe that could be seen more as a good than bad.
I try stay optimistic and put my sadness energy into my art :)
Its more of a focus thing to be honest.
Helps me forget ♥


Lord of Altera
So my new art piece, before I start redoing the requests in here (apologies, this was promised a looong time ago)
This is my inspired of Sallana
I've been talking with dark on how he percieves her as he (maloki) has never seen Sallana, but only heard stories of her.
So I tried to draw what he imagined to the best I could!
I have not seen her ICly either so, I guess this is how I also see her.
As her beauty is undrawable I concealed her face with flowers, because what depicts beauty more than some lovely flowers right?
Her dress is made of berries and petals.


Lord of Altera
So my new art piece, before I start redoing the requests in here (apologies, this was promised a looong time ago)
This is my inspired of Sallana
I've been talking with dark on how he percieves her as he (maloki) has never seen Sallana, but only heard stories of her.
So I tried to draw what he imagined to the best I could!
I have not seen her ICly either so, I guess this is how I also see her.
As her beauty is undrawable I concealed her face with flowers, because what depicts beauty more than some lovely flowers right?
Her dress is made of berries and petals.
View attachment 57450
much approval
(face covering was a good idea i love it. its so prettyyyy)


Lord of Altera
o_o Oh my glob, your art... it's amazing! *flails and wishes he could draw anything that awesome*


Lord of Altera
thank you so much! Its been a rough journey though
As is the journey of any artist. I still have my old doodles from school and my gods... They're awful. Although I can't draw really good now days, my stuff requires chopping up bits of reference pics, tracing and editing the lines before colouring. *shrug* It's only something I do once in a while for fun, so meh. Writing is my real passion. :D


Lord of Altera
As is the journey of any artist. I still have my old doodles from school and my gods... They're awful. Although I can't draw really good now days, my stuff requires chopping up bits of reference pics, tracing and editing the lines before colouring. *shrug* It's only something I do once in a while for fun, so meh. Writing is my real passion. :D
I tried writing, and I loved it but I am too lazy for that and I love colors much more I guess.

Lol, around April time I started drawing, as I couldn't draw before.
I will (Shameful and embarrassed) my art that I did (with the same app I currently use for art) and somebody (my ex) said "I wouldn't even pay a penny for that." So being annoyed with him, I drew and drew more and eventually got better to the point he now asks me for art, and I'm like lol.. ;)

But yes, here is my moon and stars, hahaha
