Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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❅ Leila Artorius ⚔ Wanderer❅


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Wufle wil hunt everybody down like this


Lord of Altera
[Reminder/Update:] I just thought I'd share a thought, something that's been Itching at my brain.

The [time-keeper] training chart I got is for the purpose of; "Hey, how long have you trained in this" Perfect way to tell them is: Show them my time-keeper chart of what I've done for certain IRL hours. Not IC hours. These are not done in a single day, but separate days, added into a total of what you see in the chart. I thought this would be a good idea due to, people learning things in... say, and hour, or a single day. I just don't buy that crap, and I put real effort is what I do. Say, someone started training and learned to shoot a bow within the day, or learned how to use a sword with basic teachings and consider a good swordsman. On my opinion. This helps a lot, and it's time consuming yes, but it also proves that you've done this with effort and correctly. For me, I just see too many people learn something within the day and consider themselves a pro. Not saying anyone in specific, we've all been to that in one point in time. But I thought this little opinion of mine will encourage those to put real effort into training their character. Not "Lets timeskip and say we learned it" yes, I've personally been there myself. And looking back on it, I think I shouldn't of.

Hope this helps.


Lord of Altera
[UPDATE:] Journal Entry #23

Journal Entries #2 is above Journal Entries #1 (Yes, it's a mix up) Just look above the original entries and you'll find it!


Lord of Altera

That sword was owned by the founder of a Syrien town, that fell to the hands of the corruption before the last Exodus.

Small steel sword, in very good condition. The grip is wrapped in a plain dark brown leather strip, wrapped diagonally on all its length.
The blade is very slightly curved at the end, and its cross-section shape is a fuller one. (
On the blade, small stylized shapes of fish have been engraved.
It pulses with enchantments, probably why it is still in a such good shape, even after having rested in a tomb in a corrupted town for so long.

A new addition to Wulfe's collection of swords.