Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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❅ Leila Artorius ⚔ Wanderer❅


Lord of Altera


"Three years ago when I was taken by knights and held for 8 months, 8 months of suffering and baring teeth through punches and kicks in mud and rain. From this, I experienced training, how to become stronger, and how to take the needless pain of fighting. They pushed us to train our minds and body to fight, defining our bodies into war ready fighters as we were given weapons and armor. They fed us three meals a day, but water came regularly. The tormenting Captain always stalked me, in the dorm room where we rested, or in the training courtyard where we practiced. His eyes, burning like flames through my body, I always found myself always turning around to see his eyes gazing to me with a untruthful desire. But I'll never give up, I'll keep fighting to the very end."

"When I got away from the knights, and the Commander, I didn't know that my mind would be tormented from that day. I found myself lying in bed having nightmares every now and then. When Jishrim came, and cursed me. His curse made my mind worse, worsening the nightmares and the way I lived. I've become braver, more confident and more sure about myself. But I didn't know that it would effect me later on, and take a toll on how I live. I've become more determined to make sure others are safe, working harder to protect and train. So far, I haven't the need to protect, which I prefer more then having to see more trouble. It's hard for me to explain, but my mind if messed, but everyone see's me in a calm, open smile. But secretly, I wouldn't mind curling up alone and silently fade away. I wish It was easy to clear my mind of these memories, but I tell others it's better to forget, and move on. I haven't done that, or that I tried to over-come the thought that I've forgotten my past.

I can only truly sleep well if I have someone there with me, showing I'll be safe. If not, I wonder into my dreams and have fragments of bad memory. I do not wake with a scream, nor do I move in my sleep. When I sleep, I do not move. When I wake, I do not cry. My body stays calm, still. I've become to the point where things do not worry me anymore. That, I continue on with how I live my life. I wish I didn't feel like how I do, but life isn't something you take easy. I'll become something someday, and when I do. I expect great things.



Lord of Altera
[UPDATE:] Nakats on relations: Look for this color.

Stuck in a jungle with four hungry nakats. Pls don't eat me. I'm a nice furless.


Lord of Altera

Some news:

Wulfe's mother has lost her memory, leaving Wulfe depressed and, slightly more uncaring then usual. Yet, keeping her posture and respectable side. She remains kind to people, even to those who face her with more problems. May this be a warning, she may lash out on someone who makes her angry without a need to their rudeness towards her. She may even break down and pause sometimes.

[Current state]

  • Less happy.
  • Depressed.
  • Slightly more uncaring.
  • Maybe more physical.

Currently Wulfe's being trained by Scardrac, finally they had their first lesson leaving her sore and unbearably more pained. It made her a big angry, but using that towards her training was more better then lashing out on Scardrac (That would be really bad)


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Also, just noticed that Aracena is also listed in Neutral, as well as Trusted. :p

But poor Wulfe. *Huggles the Wulfe child*


Lord of Altera
Also, just noticed that Aracena is also listed in Neutral, as well as Trusted. :p

But poor Wulfe. *Huggles the Wulfe child*
You're like, "Meh" and then it's like "HEY!"

But y'know, since she's cursed again and all : )

*Hugs* Was there for Cena at least.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
You're like, "Meh" and then it's like "HEY!"

But y'know, since she's cursed again and all : )

*Hugs* Was there for Cena at least.
OOC, I was like, "Daww! Wulfe is actually trying to do what Cena asked!"

IC, Cena's like, "Psht. I'm fine. Go away now please."


Lord of Altera
:( I still remember the happy little girl that used to curl up on Becky's lap and sleep while Becky sang lullabies... *tear runs down her face*


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
:( I still remember the happy little girl that used to curl up on Becky's lap and sleep while Becky sang lullabies... *tear runs down her face*
Join the club.. Armin was at her /FIRST/ birthday party.. times change