Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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❅ Leila Artorius ⚔ Wanderer❅


Lord of Altera
Updated news: A new beginning.

Wulfe has been revived, reunited with her father and soon to be with family. On the way, Landir appreciatively helped her to her things and father, even smoothing things out between Wulfe and Lucius, due to Lucius (Her father) over-come with horrible flashes, and tearing up due to him having had killed a pregnant woman recently. He regretted it, and only wishes to hold Wulfe closer then before. Wulfe is well, with a newly body formed, fresh from the sister-hood. She is still Wulfe, but more flawless and fresh. As if born again.

EDIT: Got home and nuzzled the babies! Vorny and lukey!
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Lord of Altera
[UPDATE:] Landir has become fatally injured, losing his foot. Wulfe has decided she will help him get better due to this, but is depressed that he had to go off and get hurt. But she won't let the injuries get in the way of her care.