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Your Nation's real life most similar match?


Lord of Altera
Though I have to say that if we're talking civ v nations, Sprakia is based on the celts because the more forest tiles the more faith points. But in Sprakia, faith points can be used to purchase more forests.

But of fictional world I would say Sprakia resembles the navi from avatar not because of skin colour but because they have sort of a hivemind like the navi


Lord of Altera
Legisa takes a lot from Slavic countries, specifically Serbia, Poland, the Ukraine, and Russia. As it currently stands, I would say that Legisa is somewhat similar to cold-war era Yugoslavia.


Lord of Altera
I say Duskilor is a mix of Russia, and some other country that has a thing with iron fist consumerists. also a dictatorship as well


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Necro somewhat but:

Ellathyr is somewhat like Japan; small but still there with it's Emperor and technology.