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Finished Crowning of Marr's New Queen


Lord of Altera
Coronation of  Sheila Somnius Cor.png

*Posters in Azerport, Le Havre, and Crossroads there will be hanged elegant posters trimmed in royal blue and elegant silver*

“It has come to the time that King Tybalt Rhett of Marr, tired of the cutthroat politics and backstabbing, he refuses to serve as a King in the Court of the Turien Empire for he will not waver in his morals to do such. Emotions as always, cloud his judgment, realising this he has decided it best to hand his title and crown of Marr on to a new Monarch so his people will not be dragged down with him for his choices.

For this festive day, all shall be welcome to join in the grand celebration, men, mouse and divine alike.

Let it be known that on the Thirtieth of Truebirth, 2260 in the Year of Renewal, The Great House of Marr will be blessed with a new Leader, someone who will lead her people with the same passion as the King before her. Someone of noble birth, and with the right to lead Marr, by blood. Loved by many and respected as such.

I present to you, Sheila Somnius Cor, first of her name, cousin of Lady Amethyst Gemma Azerwind, daughter of The Arbiter, and soon, Queen of Marr.

Aswell as announcing the House of Cor. officially a noble family of Marr. All those who bear the name of our queen shall be deemed of noble blood within the walls of Azerport, and the rest of the kingdom. Of which house Azerwind origins from, through Lady Karmine Lorean Cor, later known as Karmine Lorean Azerwind, wife of Jeroxia Azerwind and mother of Amethyst Gemma Azerwind, current heir of the house aside from Lady Sheila.

Even so, the noble house of Rhett remains High noble in Marr, and should the Queen die without heirs, they will resume power of the crown.

Very Public Event
When: If it's not too short of a notice and a good attendance, Thursday April 30th sometime starting 6-7 PM CST. If not it can always be pushed back.

Where: Azerport, by Rahas Grand Shrine.

We will appreciate Temp Alts of Marrian Soldiers
Skin:Marr Soldier.png

Tagging List:
@Shibuikitsune (Evaine, and BlackRose still technically a Royal Family of Marr)

The Lavoyards

@The Courier
Last edited:


Lord of Altera
First note: yay politics! *grumble*

Second note and official response by the opposing party:
Some of the people of Marr refuse to acknowledge this sudden new succession, we believe that Sheila Somnius Cor is nothing more then a false queen and powermonger only wishing for Marr to do her own deeds.., We refuse to bow down to such. Let it be known that the true Queen of Marr and the surrounding Lands of Azerwind is none other then Alanna Rhett, The sister to the king, and true heir to the kingdom until Princess Allindra comes of Age.
This "False" queen and newly propped up noble family is an insult to our traditions and our way, making all we have worked for after the great collapse worth nigh. We refuse to let Sheila Somnius Cor Rule the lands of Azerwind and make it her puppet, and will remove her from the Throne of Azerwind by force, if necessary.

[yes this may or may not escalate into a rebellion, or just nasty politics, lets see where this goes. all I know is *HONK HONK* good rp ahed!]


Legend of Altera
Helios slides back in his chair, rubbing his beard. He sits there, pondering and in somewhat of a trance as he rubs his fingers across his luscious facial hair. No mortal or immortal can resist this beauteous hair... It's simply impossible. After long moments of endless pondering, he finally says: "Well then. Someone is going to go for easy pickings while there is the transfer, I presume..."


Lord of Altera
First note: yay politics! *grumble*

Second note and official response by the opposing party:
Some of the people of Marr refuse to acknowledge this sudden new succession, we believe that Sheila Somnius Cor is nothing more then a false queen and powermonger only wishing for Marr to do her own deeds.., We refuse to bow down to such. Let it be known that the true Queen of Marr and the surrounding Lands of Azerwind is none other then Alanna Rhett, The sister to the king, and true heir to the kingdom until Princess Allindra comes of Age.
This "False" queen and newly propped up noble family is an insult to our traditions and our way, making all we have worked for after the great collapse worth nigh. We refuse to let Sheila Somnius Cor Rule the lands of Azerwind and make it her puppet, and will remove her from the Throne of Azerwind by force, if necessary.

[yes this may or may not escalate into a rebellion, or just nasty politics, lets see where this goes. all I know is *HONK HONK* good rp ahed!]
*Smiles* YES! Let the political shenanigans begin! is tradition for Marr's crown to be thrown all over the lawn m8


Lord of Altera
First note: yay politics! *grumble*

Second note and official response by the opposing party:
Some of the people of Marr refuse to acknowledge this sudden new succession, we believe that Sheila Somnius Cor is nothing more then a false queen and powermonger only wishing for Marr to do her own deeds.., We refuse to bow down to such. Let it be known that the true Queen of Marr and the surrounding Lands of Azerwind is none other then Alanna Rhett, The sister to the king, and true heir to the kingdom until Princess Allindra comes of Age.
This "False" queen and newly propped up noble family is an insult to our traditions and our way, making all we have worked for after the great collapse worth nigh. We refuse to let Sheila Somnius Cor Rule the lands of Azerwind and make it her puppet, and will remove her from the Throne of Azerwind by force, if necessary.

[yes this may or may not escalate into a rebellion, or just nasty politics, lets see where this goes. all I know is *HONK HONK* good rp ahed!]
Also, is this written in any particular person's handwriting? I'm sure by now Tybalt has seen all of Marr's Official's handwriting and many others. And the documents and letters to compare them to~


Lord of Altera
*tears down posters*
I am not playing the tear down poster game on an EVENT THREAD!!!
And tbh i would have liked it more if Kyle would have made a separate response thread to this. Liked it all the same tho~ @Kyle1322

So *Ahem*

+Some poor soul of a Crier is standing at Crossroads announcing the news, and has a stack of posters, that some poor poor writer had to write, which he uses to tack up a new Poster every time some annoying fart comes to take it down.

+ Also Tybalt plans on checking the other posters for other extra posters attached above or beside it that degrades the one he put up, and remove them.
Will emote here the when i actually go and RP it out. And then you can assume there will be another poor soul stationed at those message boards aswell.


Dark Council Elite
I am not playing the tear down poster game on an EVENT THREAD!!!
And tbh i would have liked it more if Kyle would have made a separate response thread to this. Liked it all the same tho~ @Kyle1322

So *Ahem*

+Some poor soul of a Crier is standing at Crossroads announcing the news, and has a stack of posters, that some poor poor writer had to write, which he uses to tack up a new Poster every time some annoying fart comes to take it down.

+ Also Tybalt plans on checking the other posters for other extra posters attached above or beside it that degrades the one he put up, and remove them.
Will emote here the when i actually go and RP it out. And then you can assume there will be another poor soul stationed at those message boards aswell.
but it was a joke. ;-;