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Active Now [Religion - Shalherana] Is Great Mother forgotten?


Storm's Landing Wanderer
Will you be requiring a guard for the walk to Queensport?
"An oath of pacifism must be sworn: To harm another, even under the pretense of self defense, would be to defy Shalherana's doctrine"
"To be a member of the order is to hold true the expectation of harming no life, and to not glorify the harming of lives which others have committed."
As a member of Priesthood I cannot harm or fight anyone. To have someone to do it for me is the same as doing it myself, so I do not require a guard. The Goddess is my ultimate shield as I am hers. A companion on the other hand should be pleasant, but if anyone wanted to come along I urge them to not bring any weapons.


Storm's Landing Wanderer
Ehm, tagged, relevant and interested folk, please consider the Schedule known IC.
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Storm's Landing Wanderer
Despite its strong walls and impenetrable gates, city of Wolfstadt was inspected.
Shrine dedicated exclusively to Shalherana is not present in the city, yet local cathedral holds her altar together with altars of other deities.
Olomet also gladly reports, that public gardens of Wolfstadt are even larger than those in Etheras, and their shape is closer to nature, as if there were portions of forest left between houses. According to this Olomet believes that lords of Wolfstadt are apt for understanding a Lifebringers intentions.
Possibility of dedicated shrine to Shalherana being built, will be consulted via correspondence.


Storm's Landing Wanderer
Olomet spent night in a city and left for a ship to Golden Bay @Tomato150 in early morning.

Those citizens, who were not sleeping in late night have seen an old man wandering streets aimlessly, fearfully watching shadows.


Storm's Landing Wanderer
Golden Bay was inspected.
Olomet has met Baron Peter Hallon and Ser Orvar Sif Sigurd. Altough both of them are sworn warriors and devout to other gods of Pantheon, they had proven themselves as a tolerant men who values peace and sees peasant rather working on fields than fighting on them.
So far city lack a shrine of Shalherana, but plans for its build (or for build of all gods Pantheon temple) were already made.
Golden Bay should be visited by High Priestess Vevila Draugus after inspections are finished to hopefully grant a blessing to newly constructed temple.
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Storm's Landing Wanderer
Reignfall has been inspected.
Village is firmly held in a hands of Great Mother. Forest is enclosing from every side and wild plants are allowed to grow in between cobbles of the roads. In Reignfall there are three places which could serve as honorable shrines for Goddess, they only lacks blessing of her priest. Olomet wishes for consulting the option of establishing the ancient willow, birch grove or nearby ruins as official Shalherana shrine.
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Storm's Landing Wanderer
Olomet spent another sleepless night sitting under a great willow before he departed to Westerway on a back of his loyal donkey.

Tommorow Westerway @Erazz @Rudimentaryflavo @Amarette (but, honestly I do not have much up to date info on this place or its owners)